一般基本問項 (二) 𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐥 𝐐𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬【𝐈𝐈】

M1 請問您父親是哪裡人?【Which of the following places is your father from?】
(01) 台灣閩南人【Taiwan (Minnan Taiwanese)】147371.8%72.1%72.1%
(02) 台灣客家人【Taiwan (Hakka Taiwanese)】33316.2%16.3%88.4%
(03) 台灣原住民【Taiwan (Indigenous Taiwanese)】241.2%1.2%89.6%
(04) 大陸各省市【Mainland China】1688.2%8.2%97.8%
(05) 金門或馬祖【Kinmen or Matsu】20.1%0.1%97.9%
(06) 其他,請說明:【Others, Please specify】422.0%2.1%100.0%
(97) 不知道【I don't know】60.3%
(98) 拒答【Prefer not to answer/Skip】40.2%
總和 𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐋2052100.0%
M2 請問您認為您是哪裡人?【Which of the following do you identify as?】
(01) 台灣閩南人【Minnan Taiwanese】81139.5%39.7%39.7%
(02) 台灣客家人【Hakka Taiwanese】24612.0%12.0%51.7%
(03) 台灣原住民【Indigenous Taiwanese】261.3%1.3%53.0%
(04) 大陸各省市【Mainland Chinese】482.3%2.3%55.3%
(05) 金門或馬祖【Kinmen or Matsu islander】10.0%0.0%55.4%
(06) 台灣人【Taiwanese】88142.9%43.1%98.4%
(07) 東南亞各國【Southeast Asian】50.2%0.2%98.7%
(08) 其他,請說明:【Others, Please specify】271.3%1.3%100.0%
(98) 拒答【Prefer not to answer】70.3%
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M3 請問您的教育程度是?(含肄業)【What is your highest level of education (includes education that is incomplete)?】
(01) 無【No formal education】412.0%2.0%2.0%
(02) 自修【Self-study】80.4%0.4%2.4%
(03) 小學【Elementary school】22410.9%10.9%13.3%
(04) 國(初)中【Junior high (or middle) school】22511.0%11.0%24.3%
(05) 初職【Vocational junior high school】50.2%0.2%24.5%
(06) 高中【High school】1969.6%9.6%34.1%
(07) 高職【Vocational high school】35717.4%17.4%51.5%
(08) 士官學校【Army academy】10.0%0.0%51.5%
(09) 五專【Five-year junior college program】844.1%4.1%55.6%
(10) 二、三專/軍警專修(科)班【Two/three-year junior college program; military/police education program】1537.5%7.5%63.1%
(11) 軍警官學校【Military academy/police college】60.3%0.3%63.4%
(12) 技術學院、科技大學【Institute of technology; university of science and technology】2009.7%9.7%73.1%
(13) 大學【University undergraduate】38318.7%18.7%91.8%
(14) 研究所及以上【Post-graduate and above】1698.2%8.2%100.0%
總和 𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐋2052100.0%100.0%
M4 請問您的宗教信仰是什麼?【What is your religion?】
(01) 沒有【No religion】57728.1%28.1%28.1%
(02) 佛教【Buddhism】49824.3%24.3%52.4%
(03) 道教【Taoism】38718.9%18.9%71.3%
(04) 天主教【Catholicism】190.9%0.9%72.2%
(05) 基督教【Christianity】1266.1%6.1%78.4%
(07) 一貫道【 I-Kuan Tao】301.5%1.5%79.9%
(08) 民間信仰【Traditional folk belief】39519.2%19.3%99.1%
(09) 其他,請說明:【Others, Please specify】180.9%0.9%100.0%
(98) 拒答【Prefer not to answer】20.1%
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M5 在目前國內的政黨中,請問您比較支持哪一個政黨?【Which of the following political parties are you most inclined to support?】
(01) 國民黨【Kuomintang, also known as the Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT)】32215.716.116.1
(02) 民進黨【Democratic Progressive Party (DPP)】35017.117.533.6
(03) 時代力量【New Power Party】
(04) 親民黨【People First Party】
(05) 台聯黨【Taiwan Solidarity Union】
(06) 社民黨【Social Democratic Party】
(07) 綠黨【Green Party Taiwan】
(08) 都不支持【None of the above】57227.928.663.7
(09) 看情形【Depends on the situation】49224.024.688.3
(10) 其他,請說明:【Others, Please specify】23411.411.7100.0
(97) 不知道【I don't know】281.4
(98) 拒答【Prefer not to answer】221.1
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M6 假如把社會上所有的人分成上層、中上層、中層、中下層、和下層階級,請問您認為您屬於哪個階級?【If the Taiwanese society could be divided into several social classes – namely upper class, upper middle class, middle class, lower middle class, and lower class – which social class do you think you would belong to?】
(01) 上層【Upper class】
(02) 中上層【Upper middle class】1889.29.410.4
(03) 中層【Middle class】113955.557.267.6
(04) 中下層【Lower middle class】42320.621.288.8
(05) 下層【Lower class】22310.911.2100.0
(98) 拒答【Prefer not to answer】602.9
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M7 請問您目前主要的職業或身分是什麼?【Which of the following describes your main line of work?】
(01)企業的雇主、董事或經理、高階政治人物、民意代表【Owner, board member, or manager of a business; senior politician; elected representative】331.61.61.6
(02)自己開店(實體或網路)、 擺攤、或開小工廠【(Physical or online) shop owner; stall owner; small factory owner】1406.86.88.4
(03)專業人員【Professional specialist】27313.313.321.7
(04)技術員、半專業人員或助理人員【Technician; semi-professional specialist; assistant】1738.48.430.2
(05)事務人員【Administrative staff】1105.45.435.5
(06)銷售人員【Sales personnel】813.93.939.5
(07)服務人員【Service staff】1658.08.047.5
(08)技藝有關工作人員【Craft-related work】623.03.050.6
(09)廠房設備機械操作及組裝人員【Factory equipment operation and assembly】562.72.753.3
(10)基層工作人員【Entry level employee】1115.45.458.7
(11)農、林、漁、牧業工作人員【Employed in the agriculture, forestry, fishing, and/or animal husbandry industry】763.73.762.4
(12)軍人(包括職業軍人及現正服役者)【Soldier (includes career soldiers and soldiers serving their military service)】110.50.562.9
(13)家管(跳答M10題)【Househusband or housewife (proceed to M10)】24511.911.974.9
(14)學生 (跳答M10題)【Student (proceed to M10)】572.82.877.7
(15)失業、無工作或退休人士 (跳答M10題)【Unemployed or retired (proceed to M10)】45622.222.299.9
(16)其他,請說明:【Others, Please specify】20.10.1100.0
(98) 拒答【Prefer not to answer】10.0
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M8 請問包括加班在內,您每週平均工作幾小時?【On average, how many hours do you work a week including overtime work (please respond with a number)?】
(01) 10 小時(含)以下【<10 hrs】
(02) 11 - 20 小時【11 - 20 hrs】371.82.94.3
(03) 21 -30 小時【21 -30 hrs】522.54.18.4
(04) 31 - 40小時【31 - 40 hrs】54026.342.350.6
(05) 41 - 50 小時【41 - 50 hrs】37518.329.380.0
(06) 51-60 小時【51-60 hrs】1416.911.091.0
(07) 61 -70 小時【61 -70 hrs】472.33.794.7
(08) 71 -80 小時【71 -80 hrs】432.13.498.0
(09) 81–90 小時【81–90 hrs】170.81.399.4
(10) 91小時及以上【> 91 hrs】80.40.6100.0
(98)拒答【Prefer not to answer】160.8
(99) 跳答【Skip】75836.9
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M9 請問您現在在哪裡工作?為誰工作?【Where are you currently working at, and for whom? 】
(01) 為自己工作,且有合夥 人(配偶或家人不算)【I'm not working for anyone and I have a business partner (excludes spouse and family members)】401.93.13.1
(02) 為自己工作,但沒有合夥人【I'm not working for anyone and I don't have a business partner】276 513.5 .21.424
(03) 為機構或別人工作(跳答M9_b1題)【Working for an organization or for someone (proceed to M9-b1)】87042.467.491.9
(04) 幫家裡的事業,且有固定薪資(跳答M9_b3題)【Working in a family business with fixed wages (proceed to M9-b3)】552.74.396.2
(05) 幫家裡的事業,但沒有固定薪資(跳答M9_b3題)【Working in a family business without fixed wages (proceed to M9-b3)】492.43.8100.0
(98) 拒答(跳答M10題)【Prefer not to answer (proceed to M10)】40.2
(99) 跳答【Skip】75836.9
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M9_a 請問您僱用多少人?(跳答M10題)【How many employees do you have? (Proceed to M10) 】
(01) 沒有僱用人【0】24311.876.976.9
(02) 10人以下【<10】602.919.095.9
(03) 11至30人【11-30】80.42.598.4
(04) 30人以上【More than 30】50.21.6100.0
(99) 跳答【Skip】173684.6
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M9_b1 請問您是幫公家還是私人工作?【Are you currently working in the public or the private sector? 】
(01) 政府機構【Government agency】623.07.17.1
(02) 公立學校【Public school】512.55.913.0
(03) 私立學校【Private school】140.71.614.6
(04) 公營事業機構【Public enterprise】301.53.418.0
(05) 私人事業【Private enterprise】67733.077.895.9
(06) 非營利單位(協會/基金會/財團法人/漁會/農會/黨營事業等)【Non-profit organization (e.g. associations, foundations, fishermen's association, farmer's association, enterprises owned by political parties, etc.)】361.84.1100.0
(99) 跳答【Skip】118257.6
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M9_b2 請問您的工作屬於下列哪一種?【Which of the following describes your current appointment?】
(01) 長期正式編制人員【Permanent staff】69033.679.379.3
(02) 定期契約人員(含約聘、 約雇、特約、委任)【Employee on a fixed-term contract (including employment contracts and mandate agreements)】884.310.189.4
(03) 臨時人員(含暫雇、工 讀、代班(課)等形式)【Temporary staff (including short-term employees, part-time employees, substitutes, etc.)】723.58.397.7
(04) 人力派遣人員或外包(或承包)人員【Dispatched worker; dispatched labor agency or client】201.02.3100.0
(99) 跳答【Skip】118257.6
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M9_b3 請問您的工作職務上有沒有管人?是屬於下列哪一類?【Do you have any subordinates at work?】
(01) 沒有管人【NO】70134.272.072.0
(02) 現場領班、監工【Yes, I'm a supervisor】613.06.378.2
(03) 基層管理人員【Yes, I'm part of the low-level management team】1215.912.490.7
(04) 中層管理人員【Yes, I'm part of the mid-level management team】592.96.196.7
(05) 高層管理人員【Yes, I'm part of the high-level management team】271.32.899.5
(06) 總經理、負責人【Yes, I'm the general manager or the head of the business】50.20.5100.0
(99) 跳答【Skip】107852.5
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M9_b4 請問在您的工作單位(或場所)裡,大概有多少人是男性?有多少人是女性?【What’s the ratio of male to female employees in your department or workplace?】
(01) 幾乎都是男的【Almost all-male】1607.816.416.4
(02) 大部分都是男的【Mostly male】21510.522.138.5
(03) 大概一半一半【Roughly equal】25012.225.764.2
(04) 大部分都是女的【Mostly female】26012.726.790.9
(05) 幾乎都是女的【Almost all-female】854.18.799.6
(98) 拒答【Prefer not to answer】40.20.4100.0
(99) 跳答【Skip】107852.5
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M10 請問您配偶(或同居伴侶)的教育程度是?(含肄業)【What is your spouse’s (or cohabitating partner’s) highest level of education (includes education that is incomplete)?】
(01) 無【No formal education】
(02) 自修【Self-study】
(03) 小學【Elementary school】1266.111.112.4
(04) 國(初)中【Junior high (or middle) school】1336.511.724.1
(05) 初職【Vocational junior high school】40.20.424.5
(06) 高中【High school】1195.810.535.0
(07) 高職【Vocational high school】1969.617.352.2
(09) 五專【Five-year junior college program】532.64.756.9
(10) 二、三專/軍警專修 (科)班【Two/three-year junior college program; military/police education program】1075.29.466.3
(11) 軍警官學校【Military academy/police college】90.40.867.1
(12) 技術學院、科技大學【Institute of technology; university of science and technology】613.05.472.5
(13) 大學【University undergraduate】21010.218.591.0
(14) 研究所及以上【Post-graduate and above】1014.98.999.9
(15) 其他,請說明:【Others, Please specify】10.00.1100.0
(98) 拒答【Prefer not to answer】70.3
(99) 跳答【Skip】91044.3
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M11 請問您配偶(或同居伴侶)現在的職業或身分是什麼?【Which of the following describes your spouse’s (or cohabitating partner’s) main line of work?】
(01) 企業的雇主、董事或經 理、高階政治人物、民意代表【Owner, board member, or manager of a business; senior politician; elected representative】
(02) 自己開店(實體或網路)、擺攤、或開小工廠【(Physical or online) shop owner; stall owner; small factory owner】813.97.19.5
(03) 專業人員【Professional specialist】1778.615.525.0
(04) 技術員、半專業人員或助理人員【Technician; semi-professional specialist; assistant】934.58.233.2
(05) 事務人員【Administrative staff】623.05.438.6
(06) 銷售人員【Sales personnel】341.73.041.6
(07) 服務人員【Service staff】683.36.047.5
(08) 技藝有關工作人員【Craft-related work】221.11.949.5
(09) 廠房設備機械操作及組裝人員【Factory equipment operation and assembly】271.32.451.8
(10) 基層工作人員【Entry level employee】713.56.258.1
(11) 農、林、漁、牧業工作人員【Employed in the agriculture, forestry, fishing, and/or animal husbandry industry】502.44.462.5
(12) 軍人 (包括職業軍人及現正服役者)【Soldier (includes career soldiers and soldiers serving their military service)】
(13) 家管 (跳答M14題)【Househusband or housewife (proceed to M14)】1768.615.478.9
(14) 學生 (跳答M14題)【Student (proceed to M14)】30.10.379.2
(15) 失業、無工作或退休人士 (跳答M14題)【Unemployed or retired (proceed to M14)】23011.220.299.4
(16) 其他,請說明:【Others, Please specify】70.30.6100.0
(98) 拒答【Prefer not to answer】20.1
(99) 跳答【Skip】91044.3
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M12 請問包括加班在內,您的配偶(或同居伴侶)每週平均工作幾小時?【On average, how many hours does your spouse (or cohabitating partner) work a week including overtime work (please respond with a number)?】
(1) 10 小時(含)以下【< 10 hrs】
(2) 11 - 20 小時【11 - 20 hrs】
(3) 21 - 30 小時【21 - 30 hrs】361.84.98.1
(4) 31 -40 小時【31 -40 hrs】29914.641.049.0
(5) 41 - 50 小時【41 - 50 hrs】1969.626.875.9
(6) 51 - 60 小時【51 - 60 hrs】904.412.388.2
(7) 61 - 70 小時【61 - 70 hrs】251.23.491.6
(8) 71 -80 小時【71 -80 hrs】211.02.994.5
(8) 81– 90 小時【81– 90 hrs】100.51.495.9
(9) 91 小時及以上【>91 hrs】301.54.1100.0
(98) 拒答【Prefer not to answer】30.1
(99) 跳答【Skip】131964.3
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M13 請問您配偶(或同居伴侶)現在在哪裡工作?為誰工作?【Where is your spouse (or cohabitating partner) currently working at, and for whom?】
(01) 為自己工作,且有合夥人(配偶或家人不算)【They're not working for anyone and have a business partner (excludes spouse and family members)】
(02) 為自己工作,但沒有合夥人【They're not working for anyone and don’t have a business partner】1587.721.623.8
(03) 為機構或別人工作(跳答M13_b1題)【Working for an organization or for someone (proceed to M13-b1)】49023.967.191.0
(04) 幫家裡的事業,且有固定薪資(跳答M13_b3題)【Working in a family business with fixed wages (proceed to M13-b3)】
(05) 幫家裡的事業,但沒有固定薪資(跳答M13_b3 題)【Working in a family business without fixed wages (proceed to M13-b3)】432.15.9100.0
(97) 不知道 (跳答M14題)【I don't know (proceed to M14)】10.0
(98) 拒答 (跳答M14題)【Prefer not to answer (proceed to M10)】20.1
(99) 跳答【Skip】131964.3
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M13_a 請問您配偶(或同居伴侶)僱用多少人?(跳答M14題)【How many employees does your spouse (or cohabitating partner) have? (Proceed to M14)】
(01) 沒有僱用人【0】1236.071.171.1
(02) 10人以下【<10】401.923.194.2
(03) 11至30人【11-30】
(04) 30人以上【More than 30】30.11.7100.0
(97) 不知道【I don't know】10.0
(99) 跳答【Skip】187891.5
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M13_b1 請問您配偶(或同居伴侶)幫公家還是私人工作?【Is your spouse (or cohabitating partner) currently working in the public or the private sector?】
(01) 政府機構【Government agency】592.912.112.1
(02) 公立學校【Public school】351.77.219.2
(03) 私立學校【Private school】
(04) 公營事業機構【Public enterprise】
(05) 私人事業【Private enterprise】37118.175.998.2
(06) 非營利單位(基金會/財團法人/漁會/農會/黨營事業等)【Non-profit organization (e.g. associations, foundations, fishermen's association, farmer's association, enterprises owned by political parties, etc.)】90.41.8100.0
(97) 不知道【I don't know】10.0
(99) 跳答【Skip】156276.1
總和 𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐋2052100.0
M13_b2 請問您配偶(或同居伴侶)的工作屬於下列哪一種?【Which of the following describes your spouse´s (or cohabitating partner´s) current appointment?】
(01) 長期正式編制人員【Permanent staff】41220.184.884.8
(02) 定期契約人員(含約 聘、約雇、特約、委任)【Employee on a fixed-term contract (including employment contracts and mandate agreements)】412.08.493.2
(03) 臨時人員(含暫雇、工 讀、代班(課)等形式)【Temporary staff (including short-term employees, part-time employees, substitutes, etc.)】231.14.797.9
(04) 人力派遣人員或外包 (或承包)人員【Dispatched worker; dispatched labor agency or client】90.41.999.8
(05) 其他,請說明:【Others, Please specify】10.00.2100.0
(97) 不知道【I don't know】40.2
(99) 跳答【Skip】156276.1
總和 𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐋2052100.0
M13_b3 請問您配偶(或同居伴侶)的工作職務上有沒有管人?是屬於下列哪一類?【Does your spouse (or cohabitating partner) have any subordinates at work? 】
(01) 沒有管人【NO】38418.770.370.3
(02) 現場領班、監工【Yes, they're a supervisor】261.34.875.1
(03) 基層管理人員【Yes, they're part of the low-level management team】442.18.183.2
(04) 中層管理人員【Yes, they're part of the mid-level management team】613.011.294.3
(05) 高層管理人員【Yes, they're part of the high-level management team】251.24.698.9
(06) 總經理、負責人【Yes, they're the General Manager or the Head of the business】60.31.1100.0
(97) 不知道【I don't know】90.4
(98) 拒答【Prefer not to answer】10.0
(99) 跳答【Skip】149672.9
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M14 請問您平均每個月的工作收入(稅前)大概有多少(包括薪資、年終獎金、年節分紅、加班費、執行業務收入、自營收入等)?【How much is your average monthly income from work before taxes (income sources include wages, year-end bonus, New Year´s bonus, overtime wages, as well as professional practice and self-employment)? 】
(01) 無收入【No income】
(02) 1 萬元以下【Below NT$10,000】522.54.25.7
(03) 1-2 萬元以下【NT$10,000-20,000 (not inclusive)】693.45.611.3
(04) 2-3 萬元以下【NT$20,000-30,000 (not inclusive)】26112.721.032.3
(05) 3-4 萬元以下【NT$30,000-40,000 (not inclusive)】29514.423.856.1
(06) 4-5 萬元以下【NT$40,000-50,000 (not inclusive)】21310.417.273.2
(07) 5-6 萬元以下【NT$50,000-60,000 (not inclusive)】1075.28.681.9
(08) 6-7 萬元以下【NT$60,000-70,000 (not inclusive)】472.33.885.7
(09) 7-8 萬元以下【NT$70,000-80,000 (not inclusive)】542.64.490.0
(10) 8-9 萬元以下【NT$80,000-90,000 (not inclusive)】331.62.792.7
(11) 9-10 萬元以下【NT$90,000-100,000 (not inclusive)】301.52.495.1
(12) 10-11 萬元以下【NT$100,000-110,000 (not inclusive)】
(13) 11-12 萬元以下【NT$110,000-120,000 (not inclusive)】70.30.697.7
(14) 12-13 萬元以下【NT$120,000-130,000 (not inclusive)】
(16) 14-15 萬元以下【NT$140,000-150,000 (not inclusive)】60.30.598.3
(17) 15-16 萬元以下【NT$150,000-160,000 (not inclusive)】40.20.398.6
(19) 17-18 萬元以下【NT$170,000-180,000 (not inclusive)】
(20) 18-19 萬元以下【NT$180,000-190,000 (not inclusive)】
(21) 19-20萬元以下【NT$190,000-200,000 (not inclusive)】
(22) 20-30 萬元以下【NT$200,000-300,000 (not inclusive)】
(23) 30 萬元或以上【NT$300,000 and above】80.40.6100.0
(97) 不知道【I don't know】221.1
(98) 拒答【Prefer not to answer】311.5
(99) 跳答【Skip】75836.9
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M15 請問您的配偶(或同居伴侶)平均每個月的工作收入(稅前)大概有多少(包括薪資、年終獎金、年節分紅、加班費、執行業務收入、自營收入等)?【How much is your spouse´s (or cohabitating partner´s) average monthly income from work before taxes (income sources include wages, year-end bonus, New Year´s bonus, overtime wages, as well as professional practice and self-employment) ?】
(01) 無收入【No income】
(02) 1 萬元以下【Below NT$10,000】
(03) 1-2 萬元以下【NT$10,000-20,000 (not inclusive)】331.65.010.7
(04) 2-3 萬元以下【NT$20,000-30,000 (not inclusive)】1336.520.330.9
(05) 3-4 萬元以下【NT$30,000-40,000 (not inclusive)】1256.119.150.0
(06) 4-5 萬元以下【NT$40,000-50,000 (not inclusive)】1105.416.866.8
(07) 5-6 萬元以下【NT$50,000-60,000 (not inclusive)】673.310.277.0
(08) 6-7 萬元以下【NT$60,000-70,000 (not inclusive)】412.06.383.2
(09) 7-8 萬元以下【NT$70,000-80,000 (not inclusive)】
(10) 8-9 萬元以下【NT$80,000-90,000 (not inclusive)】170.82.689.8
(11) 9-10 萬元以下【NT$90,000-100,000 (not inclusive)】190.92.992.7
(12) 10-11 萬元以下【NT$100,000-110,000 (not inclusive)】170.82.695.3
(13) 11-12 萬元以下【NT$110,000-120,000 (not inclusive)】40.20.695.9
(14) 12-13 萬元以下【NT$120,000-130,000 (not inclusive)】20.10.396.2
(15) 13-14 萬元以下【NT$ 130,000-140,000 (not inclusive)】30.10.596.6
(16) 14-15 萬元以下【NT$140,000-150,000 (not inclusive)】20.10.397.0
(17) 15-16 萬元以下【NT$150,000-160,000 (not inclusive)】50.20.897.7
(21) 19-20萬元以下【NT$190,000-200,000 (not inclusive)】
(22) 20-30 萬元以下【NT$200,000-300,000 (not inclusive)】
(23) 30 萬元或以上【NT$300,000 and above】70.31.1100.0
(97) 不知道【I don't know】602.9
(98) 拒答【Prefer not to answer】170.8
(99) 跳答【Skip】131964.3
總和 𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐋2052100.0
M16 包括各種收入來源,您全家人的所有收入(稅前),每個月大約多少元?【How much is your household´s average monthly income from before taxes (income sources include wages, year-end bonus, New Year´s bonus, overtime wages, professional practice, selfemployment, part-time employment, investment returns, bonus and dividends, rental income, living expenses provided by parents or children, as well as government subsidies and handouts)? 】
(01) 無收入【No income】371.82.22.2
(02) 1 萬元以下【Below NT$10,000】904.45.47.7
(03) 1-2 萬元以下【NT$10,000-20,000 (not inclusive)】1165.77.014.7
(04) 2-3 萬元以下【NT$20,000-30,000 (not inclusive)】1225.97.422.1
(05) 3-4 萬元以下【NT$30,000-40,000 (not inclusive)】1497.39.031.1
(06) 4-5 萬元以下【NT$40,000-50,000 (not inclusive)】1416.98.539.6
(07) 5-6 萬元以下【NT$50,000-60,000 (not inclusive)】1547.59.348.9
(08) 6-7 萬元以下【NT$60,000-70,000 (not inclusive)】1296.37.856.7
(09) 7-8 萬元以下【NT$70,000-80,000 (not inclusive)】1135.56.863.5
(10) 8-9 萬元以下【NT$80,000-90,000 (not inclusive)】894.35.468.9
(11) 9-10 萬元以下【NT$90,000-100,000 (not inclusive)】1075.26.575.4
(12) 10-11 萬元以下【NT$100,000-110,000 (not inclusive)】994.86.081.4
(13) 11-12 萬元以下【NT$110,000-120,000 (not inclusive)】361.82.283.6
(14) 12-13 萬元以下【NT$120,000-130,000 (not inclusive)】351.72.185.7
(15) 13-14 萬元以下【NT$ 130,000-140,000 (not inclusive)】251.21.587.2
(16) 14-15 萬元以下【NT$140,000-150,000 (not inclusive)】401.92.489.6
(17) 15-16 萬元以下【NT$150,000-160,000 (not inclusive)】412.02.592.1
(18) 16-17 萬元以下【NT$160,000-170,000 (not inclusive)】211.01.393.3
(19) 17-18 萬元以下【NT$170,000-180,000 (not inclusive)】110.50.794.0
(20) 18-19 萬元以下【NT$180,000-190,000 (not inclusive)】70.30.494.4
(21) 19-20 萬元以下【NT$190,000-200,000 (not inclusive)】251.21.595.9
(22) 20-30 萬元以下【NT$200,000-300,000 (not inclusive)】401.92.498.4
(23) 30-40 萬元以下【NT$300,000-400,000 (not inclusive)】140.70.899.2
(24) 40-50 萬元以下【NT$400,000-500,000 (not inclusive)】50.20.399.5
(25) 50-100 萬元以下【NT$500,000-1,000,000 (not inclusive)】
(26) 100 萬元或以上【More than NT$ 1,000,000】40.20.2100.0
(97) 不知道【I don't know】35017.1
(98) 拒答【Prefer not to answer】482.3
總和 𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐋2052100.0