民眾生活中的法律糾紛經驗與法律問題尋求協助之管道 𝐐𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐏𝐮𝐛𝐥𝐈𝐜'𝐬 𝐄𝐱𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐋𝐞𝐠𝐚𝐥 𝐃𝐢𝐬𝐩𝐮𝐭𝐞𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐀𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐦𝐩𝐭𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐒𝐞𝐞𝐤 𝐋𝐞𝐠𝐚𝐥 𝐀𝐢𝐝

D1 請問您有沒有被警察臨檢過?【Have you ever been stopped by the police for an ID check?】
01 有,一次 【Once】18812.40%12.40%12.40%
02 有,兩次 【Twice】22514.80%14.80%27.20%
03 有,三次以上 【More than twice】60339.60%39.70%67.00%
04 沒有 【Never】50132.90%33.00%100%
97 不知道【I don't know】50.30%
總和 𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐋1522100%
D2 請問您有沒有發生過下列和法律有關的事件或糾紛?(可複選)【Which of the following legal disputes have you been involved in?】
01 「交通事故」(續答D3)【Traffic disputes (proceed to D3)】53424.20%24.20%24.20%
02 「被開罰單」(跳答D4、D5及D6)【Dealt a fine (e.g. for littering, causing noise nuisance, or setting up a stall illegally, etc.) (proceed to D4, D5, and D6)】87039.40%39.40%63.50%
03 「家庭糾紛(例如:家暴、分遺產、子女監護等)」(跳答D7)【Family disputes (e.g. domestic violence, inheritance disputes, custody of children, etc.) (proceed to D7)】522.40%2.40%65.90%
04 「互助會(倒會)糾紛」(跳答D8)【Disputes related to rotating savings and credit associations (e.g. failure to fulfill cash disbursement obligations) (proceed to D8)】1808.10%8.10%74.00%
05 其他法律事件或糾紛(非01~04選項者。單選05,則跳答D9)【Other legal disputes not listed in options 01-04 (proceed to D9 if this is the only selection)】1466.60%6.60%80.60%
06 沒有發生過任何和法律有關的事件或糾紛(跳答D9)【 I’ve never been involved in a legal dispute (proceed to D9)】42519.20%19.20%99.90%
97 不知道(跳答D9)【I don't know (proceed to D9)】30.10%0.10%100%
總和 𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐋2210100%100%
D3 請問您發生「交通事故」時,曾經尋求過哪些對象的協助?(可複選)【Which of the following parties have you approached for aid when faced with a traffic dispute?】
01 警察【The police】29929.30%29.30%29.30%
02 律師【Lawyers】232.30%2.30%31.50%
03 親友【Friends and family】17216.80%16.80%48.30%
04 調解委員會【Mediation committee】11110.90%10.90%59.20%
05 村里長、民意代表等地方人士【Village chiefs, borough chiefs, elected representatives, and other local authority】515.00%5.00%64.20%
06 保險公司【Insurance companies】25024.50%24.50%88.60%
07 其他協助管道,請說明【Others, please specify:】70.70%0.70%89.30%
08 從未尋求過任何協助【I've never approached anyone for aid】10910.70%10.70%100%
總和 𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐋1022100%100%
D4 請問您認為警察處理您「被開罰單」的案件時,有沒有偏見?【In your experience, was the police prejudiced when dealing the fine?】
01 非常有偏見 (01)【Highly prejudiced】946.20%11.00%11.00%
02 有些偏見【Prejudiced】21514.10%25.30%36.30%
03 不太有偏見【Unprejudiced】19813.00%23.30%59.60%
04 完全沒有偏見【Highly unprejudiced】29819.60%35.00%94.60%
05 不適用 (沒有和警察接觸)【Not applicable (e.g. there was no contact with the police)】463.00%5.40%100%
97 不知道【I don't know】161.10%
98 拒答【Prefer not to answer】30.20%
99 跳答【Skip】65242.80%
總和 𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐋1522100%
D5 請問您「被開罰單」時,有向政府機關申訴過嗎?【Have you ever made an appeal to a government agency after being dealt a fine?】
01 每件都有【Every single time】120.80%1.40%1.40%
02 有些有,有些沒有【Only sometimes】1167.60%13.30%14.70%
03 全都沒有【Never】74248.80%85.30%100%
99 跳答【Skip】65242.80%
總和 𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐋1522100%
D6 請問您「被開罰單」時,曾經尋求過哪些對象的協助?(可複選)【Which of the following parties have you approached for aid after being dealt a fine?】
01 警察【The police】525.70%5.70%5.70%
02 律師【Lawyers】60.70%0.70%6.30%
03 親友【Friends and family】657.10%7.10%13.40%
04 村里長、民意代表等地方人士【Village chiefs, borough chiefs, elected representatives, and other local authority】333.60%3.60%17.00%
05 其他協助管道,請說明【Others, please specify:】434.70%4.70%21.70%
06 從未尋求過任何協助【I've never approached anyone for aid】71778.30%78.30%100%
總和 𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐋916100%100%
D7 請問您發生「家庭糾紛」時,曾經尋求過哪些對象的協助?(可複選)【Which of the following parties have you approached for aid when faced with a family dispute?】
01 警察【The police】1921.80%21.80%21.80%
02 律師【Lawyers】1213.80%13.80%35.60%
03 親友【Friends and family】1213.80%13.80%49.40%
04 調解委員會【】 Mediation committee910.30%10.30%59.80%
05 村里長、民意代表等地方人士【Village chiefs, borough chiefs, elected representatives, and other local authority】55.70%5.70%65.50%
06 政府機關(社會局、家暴中心等)【Government agencies (e.g. the Department of Social Welfare, Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Prevention Center)】1213.80%13.80%79.30%
07 公益團體(婦女新知、法律扶助基金會等)【Public welfare organizations (e.g. Awakening Foundation, Legal Aid Foundation)】33.40%3.40%82.80%
08 其他協助管道,請說明 【Others, please specify:】44.60%4.60%87.40%
09 從未尋求過任何協助【】 I have never approached anyone for aid1112.60%12.60%100%
總和 𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐋87100%100%
D8 請問您發生「互助會(倒會)糾紛」時,曾經尋求過哪些對象的協助?(可複選)【Which of the following parties have you approached for aid when faced with disputes related to rotating savings and credit associations?】
01 警察 【The police】10.50%0.50%0.50%
02 律師【Lawyers】94.80%4.80%5.30%
03 親友【Friends and family】179.00%9.00%14.30%
04 調解委員會【Mediation committee】179.00%9.00%23.30%
05 村里長、民意代表等地方人士【Village chiefs, borough chiefs, elected representatives, and other local authority】52.60%2.60%25.90%
06 公益團體(法律扶助基金會、學校法律服務社團等)【Public welfare organizations (e.g. Legal Aid Foundation, legal service society in school)】10.50%0.50%26.50%
07 其他協助管道,請說明【Others, please specify:】73.70%3.70%30.20%
08 從未尋求過任何協助 【I have never approached anyone for aid】13169.30%69.30%99.50%
97 不知道【I don't know】10.50%0.50%100%
總和 𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐋189100%100%
D9 請問您有沒有找過律師處理和法律相關的事務? 【Have you ever approached a lawyer for legal advice or legal services?】
01 有,一件【Once】1429.30%9.30%9.30%
02 有,二件【Twice】412.70%2.70%12.00%
03 有,三件以上【More than twice】291.90%1.90%14.00%
04 沒有(跳答D12)【Never (proceed to D12)】130785.90%86.00%100%
97 不知道(跳答D12)【I don't know (proceed to D12)】10.10%
98 拒答(跳答D12)【Prefer not to answer (proceed to D12)】20.10%
總和 𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐋1522100%
D10 請問是請律師提供哪些服務?(可複選)【Which of the following legal services did you require of the lawyer?】
01 諮詢法律意見【Legal advice】15139.30%39.30%39.30%
02 撰寫書狀、契約【Drafting of legal documents and contracts】10427.10%27.10%66.40%
03 委託進行訴訟(打官司)【Litigation】10627.60%27.60%94.00%
04 委託處理訴訟以外的事務(如遺囑見證人等)【Non-litigation legal services (e.g. serving as the witness to a will)】184.70%4.70%98.70%
05 其他,請說明 【Others, please specify:】51.30%1.30%100%
總和 𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐋384100%100%
D11 大致上而言,您對律師為您提供的服務滿不滿意?【In general, how satisfied were you with the legal service provided by the lawyer?】
01 很滿意【Highly satisfied】362.40%17.10%17.10%
02 還算滿意【Satisfied】1197.80%56.70%73.80%
03 不太滿意【Dissatisfied】332.20%15.70%89.50%
04 很不滿意【Highly dissatisfied】221.40%10.50%100%
97 不知道【I don't know】20.10%
99 跳答【Skip】131086.10%
總和 𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐋1522100%
D12 請問您有沒有請代書為您處理法律事務的經驗?【Have you ever engaged a judicial scrivener for legal services?】
01 有,一件【Once】21614.20%14.30%14.30%
02 有,二件【Twice】1107.20%7.30%21.50%
03 有,三件以上 【More than twice】1026.70%6.70%28.30%
04 沒有(跳答D14)【Never (proceed to D14)】108771.40%71.70%100%
97 不知道(跳答D14)【I don't know (proceed to D14)】40.30%
98 拒答(跳答D14)【Prefer not to answer (proceed to D14)】30.20%
總和 𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐋1522100%
D13 請問代書為您提供哪些服務?【Which of the following legal services did you require of the judicial scrivener?】
01 辦理與「繼承」相關的事務(例如:遺產過戶)【Handling of inheritance-related matters (e.g. transferring of inheritance)】11917.30%17.30%17.30%
02 委託辦理不動產相關事務(例如:房屋買賣過戶)【Handling of real-estate-related matters (e.g. buying, selling, and transferring of property)】38155.30%55.30%72.60%
03 諮詢法律意見【Legal advice】659.40%9.40%82.00%
04 撰寫書狀、契約【Drafting of legal documents and contracts】11717.00%17.00%99.00%
05 委託進行訴訟(打官司)【Litigation】20.30%0.30%99.30%
06 其他,請說明【Others, please specify:】40.60%0.60%99.90%
97 不知道【I don't know】10.10%0.10%100%
總和 𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐋689100%
D14 請問您有沒有以下列身份打官司的經驗?【 Have you ever been involved in a lawsuit in the following capacities?】
01 原告【As a plaintiff】1026.30%6.30%6.30%
02 被告【As a defendant】996.10%6.10%12.30%
03 被害人【As a victim】482.90%2.90%15.30%
04 證人【As a witness】1056.40%6.40%21.70%
05 其他身份,請說明(單選05則跳答D17)【Others, please specify: (proceed to D17 if this is the only selection)】140.90%0.90%22.50%
06 沒有(跳答D17)【NO (proceed to D17)】126077.20%77.20%99.80%
97 不知道(跳答D17)【I don't know (proceed to D17)】40.20%0.20%100%
總和 𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐋1632100%
D15 請問判決的結果是?【What was the outcome of the lawsuit?】
01 您勝訴【I won the lawsuit】1067.00%47.30%47.30%
02 對方勝訴【The other party won the lawsuit】422.80%18.80%66.10%
03 有勝有敗【I obtained a partial victory】201.30%8.90%75.00%
04 還在進行中(跳答D17)【The lawsuit is still ongoing (proceed to D17)】90.60%4.00%79.00%
05 其他,請說明(跳答D17)【Others, please specify: (proceed to D17)】473.10%21.00%100%
97 不知道(跳答D17)【I don't know (proceed to D17)】221.40%
98 拒答 (跳答D17)【Prefer not to answer (proceed to D17)】20.10%
99 跳答【Skip】127483.70%
總和 𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐋1522100%
D16 大致上而言,請問您對法院的判決滿不滿意?【In general, how satisfied were you with the court ruling?】
01 很滿意【Highly satisfied】211.40%12.60%12.60%
02 還算滿意【Satisfied】684.50%40.70%53.30%
03 不太滿意【Dissatisfied】382.50%22.80%76.00%
04 很不滿意【Highly dissatisfied】402.60%24.00%100%
97 不知道【I don't know】10.10%
99 跳答【Skip】135489.00%
總和 𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐋1522100%
D17 您覺得以下哪些法律事件或糾紛,盡量不要上法院解決比較好?【Which of the following disputes do you think are best settled out of court?】
01 鄰居間的糾紛【Disputes with neighbors】139418.10%18.10%18.10%
02 互助會(倒會)糾紛【Disputes related to rotating savings and credit associations (e.g. failure to fulfill cash disbursement obligations)】79510.30%10.30%28.50%
03 親屬間的金錢糾紛【Financial disputes among family members】126316.40%16.40%44.90%
04 婚姻事件【Marital disputes】106113.80%13.80%58.70%
05 父母奉養事件【Disputes regarding the care of one’s parents】128216.70%16.70%75.40%
06 子女監護或確認親子關係【Disputes regarding the custody of children or the verification of biological ties】89311.60%11.60%87.00%
07 繼承案件【Inheritance disputes】95112.40%12.40%99.40%
08 以上7個選項都適合上法院解決 (跳答E1)【All the seven options listed above should be settled in court (proceed to E1)】240.30%0.30%99.70%
97 不知道(跳答E1)【I don't know (proceed to E1)】210.30%0.30%99.90%
98 拒答(跳答E1)【Prefer not to answer (proceed to E1)】40.10%0.10%100%
總和 𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐋7688100%
D18 您認為盡量不要上法院解決比較好的原因是?(可複選)【Which of the following describes your reason for believing that the dispute(s) is/are best settled out of court?】
01 不希望張揚【I don't wish to draw attention to the case】60113.80%13.80%13.80%
02 不想撕破臉【I don't wish to fall out with the other party】93221.40%21.40%35.10%
03 判決無法解決問題【 A court ruling won't solve the problem】67715.50%15.50%50.60%
04 上法院太浪費時間和金錢【It's a waste of time and money to go to court】113225.90%25.90%76.60%
05 不喜歡上法院【I don't like to go to court】92621.20%21.20%97.80%
06 其他,請說明【Others, please specify:】821.90%1.90%99.70%
97 不知道 【I don't know】120.30%0.30%99.90%
98 拒答 【Prefer not to answer】30.10%0.10%100%
總和 𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐋4365100%