(01) 企業的雇主、董事或經 理、高階政治人物、民意代表【Owner, board member, or manager of a business; senior politician; elected representative】
(02) 自己開店(實體或網路)、擺攤、或開小工廠【(Physical or online) shop owner; stall owner; small factory owner】813.97.19.5
(03) 專業人員【Professional specialist】1778.615.525.0
(04) 技術員、半專業人員或助理人員【Technician; semi-professional specialist; assistant】934.58.233.2
(05) 事務人員【Administrative staff】623.05.438.6
(06) 銷售人員【Sales personnel】341.73.041.6
(07) 服務人員【Service staff】683.36.047.5
(08) 技藝有關工作人員【Craft-related work】221.11.949.5
(09) 廠房設備機械操作及組裝人員【Factory equipment operation and assembly】271.32.451.8
(10) 基層工作人員【Entry level employee】713.56.258.1
(11) 農、林、漁、牧業工作人員【Employed in the agriculture, forestry, fishing, and/or animal husbandry industry】502.44.462.5
(12) 軍人 (包括職業軍人及現正服役者)【Soldier (includes career soldiers and soldiers serving their military service)】
(13) 家管 (跳答M14題)【Househusband or housewife (proceed to M14)】1768.615.478.9
(14) 學生 (跳答M14題)【Student (proceed to M14)】30.10.379.2
(15) 失業、無工作或退休人士 (跳答M14題)【Unemployed or retired (proceed to M14)】23011.220.299.4
(16) 其他,請說明:【Others, Please specify】70.30.6100.0
(98) 拒答【Prefer not to answer】20.1
(99) 跳答【Skip】91044.3
總和 𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐋2052100.0