01 國民黨【Kuomintang, also known as the Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT)】27224.7%24.7%24.7%
02 民進黨【Democratic Progressive Party (DPP)】15714.3%14.3%39.0%
03 新黨【New Party】70.6%0.6%39.6%
04 親民黨【People First Party】222.0%2.0%41.6%
05 臺聯【Taiwan Solidarity Union】50.5%0.5%42.1%
06 綠黨【Green Party Taiwan】100.9%0.9%43.0%
07 時代力量【New Power Party】11110.1%10.1%53.1%
08 民國黨【Republican Party】60.5%0.5%53.6%
09 社民黨【Social Democratic Party】90.8%0.8%54.4%
10 都支持【All of the above】60.5%0.5%54.9%
11 都不支持【None of the above】22520.5%20.5%75.4%
12 看情形【Depends on the situation】19317.5%17.5%92.9%
13 無意見【No preference】464.2%4.2%97.1%
14 其他【Others, Please specify】131.2%1.2%98.3%
15 不知道【I don't know】90.8%0.8%99.1%
16 拒答【Prefer not to answer】90.8%0.8%99.9%
總和 𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐋1100100%