(01) 小孩有家人或保母照顧【The baby was cared for by a family member or a nanny】15939.10%39.10%39.10%
(02) 擔心會失去工作【We were worried about losing the job】245.90%5.90%45.00%
(03) 有經濟壓力【We were under financial pressure】409.80%9.80%54.80%
(04) 雇主不支持員工請育嬰假【The employer discouraged employees from taking parental leave】245.90%5.90%60.70%
(05) 配偶或家人不支持請育嬰假【The spouse or family member(s) discouraged taking parental leave】30.70%0.70%61.40%
(06) 不知道勞工可以請育嬰假【We didn't know laborers are entitled to parental leave】133.20%3.20%64.60%
(07) 不符合資格【Not qualified】5613.80%13.80%78.40%
(08) 其他,請說明__【Others, Please specify】5413.30%13.30%91.70%
(97) 不知道【I don't know】348.30%8.30%100%
(98) 拒答【Prefer not to answer】00.00%0.00%100%
總和 𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐋407100%100%