01 兒子必須照顧父母【The son is supposed to take care of the parents】17911.60%43.40%43.40%
02 兒子要負責家裡的經濟【The son is responsible for the family’s economy】754.90%18.20%61.70%
03 兒子要傳宗接代、祭祀祖先【The son needs to carry on the family line and worship his ancestors】624.00%15.00%76.70%
04 傳統上本來就是兒子分得比較多【The son conventionally gets more inheritance】493.20%11.90%88.60%
05 女兒已經拿到嫁妝【The daughter has already received her dowry】231.50%5.60%94.20%
06 其它,請說明《請鍵入並記錄在開放紀錄表中》【Others, please specify】241.60%5.80%100%
97 不知道【I don't know】40.30%
99 跳答【Skip】112673.00%
總和 𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐋1542100%