01 不希望張揚【I don't want others to know about it】32625.20%25.20%
02 不想撕破臉【I don't want to confront the other party in court and damage our relationship forever】61747.60%47.60%
03 判決無法解決問題【A court ruling will not help solve the problem】48537.40%37.40%
04 上法院太浪費時間和金錢【Going to court consumes too much time and money】78160.30%60.30%
05 不喜歡上法院【I simply don’t like to go to a court】50539.00%39.00%
06 其他【Others】362.80%2.80%
97 不知道【I don't know】312.30%2.30%
總和總和 𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐋2781214.60%214.60%