01 大法官容易受到政治影響【Grand Justices easily succumb to pressure from political figures】191.20%33.90%33.90%
02 解釋的結果不符合社會期待【Their judicial interpretations are contrary to societal expectations】161.00%28.60%62.50%
03時間拖延太久【The process of judicial interpretation is too long】100.60%17.90%80.40%
04 解釋內容或用語太過抽象【The judicial interpretations or their wording are too abstract to understand】100.60%17.90%98.20%
05 其它【Others, please specify】10.10%1.80%100%
97 不知道【I don't know】20.10%
99 跳答【Skip】148496.20%
總和 𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐋1542100%