(01) 金錢借貸【Disputes relating to financial loans】432.12.12.1
(02) 婚姻關係或子女議題【Disputes relating to marriage and/or children】633.13.15.2
(03) 繼承或家庭財產分配【Disputes relating to inheritance and/or the distribution of family wealth】783.83.89.0
(04) 奉養父母【Disputes relating to the care of parents】281.41.410.3
(05) 家庭暴力【Disputes relating to domestic violence】
(06) 不曾發生任何糾紛 (跳答C16題)【I have never been involved in a family dispute (proceed to C16)】180688.088.199.6
(07) 其他,請說明【Others, Please specify】80.40.4100.0
(98) 拒答 (跳答16題)【Prefer not to answer (proceed to C16)】10.0
總和 𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐋2052100.0%