Law and Social Change Survey Database

2019 調查第5期 (2)【紛爭解決題組 𝐐𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐨𝐧 𝐃𝐢𝐬𝐩𝐮𝐭𝐞 𝐑𝐞𝐬𝐨𝐥𝐮𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧】

E1 假設您遭遇一件消費糾紛,經向業者反映後,仍無法得到滿意解決。請問造成您多少元(新台幣)以上的損失,會讓您想向業者求償?【Imagine yourself being caught in a consumer dispute that hasn’t been satisfactorily resolved despite the fact that you have explained the situation to the business involved. How much losses (in NT$) would you have to incur before seeking compensation from the business involved?】
(01) 1-999元【NT$1-999】532.60%3.00%3.00%
(02) 1000-2999元【NT$1,000-2,999】33716.40%19.30%22.40%
(03) 3000-4999元【NT$3,000-4,999】24311.80%13.90%36.30%
(04) 5000-9999元【NT$5,000-9,999】27113.20%15.50%51.80%
(05) 10000元以上【NT$10,000 and above】63430.90%36.40%88.20%
(06) 不論多少金額都要求償 (跳答F1題)【I would seek compensation regardless of the amount (proceed to F1)】20610.00%11.80%100.00%
(97) 不知道 (跳答F1題)【I don’t know (proceed to F1)】1889.20%
(98) 拒答(跳答F1題) 【Prefer not to answer (proceed to F1)】1205.80%
總和 𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐋2052100.00%
E1_1 承上題,請問您對於前題金額以下的糾紛,不會求償的最主要原因是什麼?【Referring to the scenario in the previous question, which of the following describes your reason for not seeking compensation for losses amounting to a value less than that indicated above?】
(01) 不想讓自己身分曝光【I don’t want to expose my identity】160.80%1.00%1.00%
(02) 不知道如何求償【I don’t know how to seek compensation】582.80%3.80%4.80%
(03) 不想有心理上的負擔 (例如: 不喜歡涉入紛爭、怕麻煩)【For a peace of mind (e.g. fear of being caught up in a dispute; it is too troublesome to seek compensation, etc.)】36717.90%23.90%28.70%
(04) 不想花費時間和費用【 I don’t wish to spend time and money on this matter】1,07952.60%70.20%99.00%
(05) 其他,請說明:【Others, Please specify】160.80%1.00%100.00%
(97) 不知道【I don’t know】10.00%
(98) 拒答【Prefer not to answer】10.00%
(99) 跳答【Skip】51425.00%
總和 𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐋2052100.00%
E1_2 承上題,如果有很多人和您有一樣的糾紛,準備向業者求償,請問您會想和他們一起求償,或自行求償,還是仍然不想求償?【Referring to the scenario in the previous question, imagine that many others are facing the same consumer dispute as yourself, and are prepared to seek compensation from the business involved. Would you join them in seeking compensation, seek compensation on your own, or decide not to seek compensation at all?】
(01) 是,會想和他們一起向業者求償【Join others in seeking compensation】104951.10%68.30%68.30%
(02) 是,會想自己向業者求償【Seek compensation on my own】331.60%2.10%70.50%
(03) 仍然不想求償 (跳答F1題)【Decide not to seek compensation (proceed to F1)】45322.10%29.50%100.00%
(97) 不知道 (跳答F1題)【I don’t know (proceed to F1)】30.10%
(99) 跳答【Skip】51425.00%
總和 𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐋2052100.00%
E2 請問讓您態度改變的最主要原因是?【Referring to the scenario in the previous question, which of the following describes the reason behind your change in decision?】
(01) 業者較可能賠償我的損害【The business is more likely to compensate my losses】824.00%7.60%7.60%
(02) 業者較可能賠償眾多消費者的損害【Besides being more likely to provide compensation, the business may also face further punishment】27513.40%25.40%33.00%
(03) 業者除了較可能賠償損害外,還可能受到額外的懲罰【Besides being more likely to provide compensation, the business may also face further punishment】20710.10%19.10%52.10%
(04) 可減少我心理上的負擔 (例如:較少麻煩)【Doing so can reduce my emotional burden (e.g. makes seeking compensation less of a pain)】1316.40%12.10%64.20%
(05) 可減少我花費的時間和費用【Doing so can reduce the time and money I have to spend in order to seek compensation】28513.90%26.30%90.60%
(06) 可知道如何求償【Doing so allows me to understand how compensation should be sought】773.80%7.10%97.70%
(07) 我的身分較不易曝光【My identity is less likely to be exposed】80.40%0.70%98.40%
(08) 其他,請說明:【Others, Please specify】170.80%1.60%100.00%
(99) 跳答【Skip】97047.30%
總和 𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐋2052100.00%
E3 若您衡量過後,決定向業者求償,請問您最傾向透過哪個管道,為您處理求償?【Referring to the scenario in the previous question, which of the following parties are you most likely to work with in order to seek compensation from the business involved?】
(01) 消費者保護官【Consumer protection ofÏcers】66432.40%61.60%61.60%
(02) 法律扶助基金會【Legal Aid Foundation】824.00%7.60%69.20%
(03) 民意代表或政治人物【Elected representatives or political figures】834.00%7.70%76.90%
(04) 律師【Lawyers】693.40%6.40%83.30%
(05) 代書【Scribes】90.40%0.80%84.10%
(06) 民間消費者權益保護團體(例如:消費者文教基金會)【Private consumer rights protection groups (e.g. Consumers’ Foundation Chinese Taipei)】1577.70%14.60%98.70%
(07) 其他,請說明:【Others, Please specify】140.70%1.30%100.00%
(97) 不知道【I don’t know】40.20%
(99) 跳答【Skip】97047.30%
總和 𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐋2052100.00%