Law and Social Change Survey Database

2018 臺灣法律與社會變遷調查第5期 (1)-1 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐭𝐮𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐇𝐮𝐦𝐚𝐧 𝐑𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬

A1 請問您本人或親友中有沒有人是從事法律相關工作?【Are you working in the legal profession or do you have friends or family members working in related fields?】
1 有【YES】32929.90%
2 沒有【NO】74167.40%
3 不知道【I don’t know】302.70%
總和 𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐋1100100.00%
A2. 請問您遇到法律問題時,有沒有詢問或請教過他(們)?【Do you approach them when in need of legal advice?】
1. 有【YES】25122.80%76.30%
2. 沒有【NO】787.10%23.70%
3. 跳題【Skip】77170.10%
總和 𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐋1100100.00%
A3 請問日常生活中您如何得到法律相關資訊或消息?【Where do you usually get legal information and news from (select up to two choices)?】
01 電視、廣播電臺【TV and radio】46542.30%
02 報紙、雜誌【Newspapers and magazines】21919.90%
03 書籍【Books】16014.50%
04 網路(包括網路電子報)【Internet (including digital newspapers)】73366.60%
05 親友、同學或鄰居【Friends, family, classmates, and neighbors】13112%
06 工作場所【From the workplace】857.70%
07 學校上課【From school lessons】696.30%
08 民意代表或政黨的服務處【Elected representatives and the ofÏces of various political parties】262.40%
09 法律專業人員(免費、付費的都算)【Legal professionals (either pro bono or paid consultation)】19317.50%
10 其他【Others, please specify】20.20%
11 沒有任何管道【There is no channel for me to receive legal information】121.10%
總和 𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐋1100100.00%
B1 請問您認為目前總統與行政院長間的分工為以下何者?【Which of the following do you think best describes the responsibilities of the President and Premier respectively?】
1 總統是國家元首,但行政院長負責行政決策【The President is the head of state while the Premier is responsible for making executive decisions】36433.10%
2 總統負責決策,行政院長執行總統的決策【The President is responsible for decision-making while the Premier executes these decisions】54949.90%
3 總統與行政院長共同決定政策【The President and Premier make policy decisions together】928.40%
4 總統與行政院長各自決定不同政策【The President and Premier are each responsible for different types of policy decisions】544.90%
5 不知道【I don’t know】413.7 %
總和 𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐋1,100100.00%
B2 依照我國憲法,行政院長必須到立法院備詢,請問您贊不贊成總統也應該到立法院備詢?【According to Taiwan´s Constitution, the Legislative Yuan has the right to call the Premier in for questioning. To what extent do you agree that the President should also be questioned in the Legislative Yuan?】
1 很贊成【Strongly agree】36333.00%
2 還算贊成【Agree】27024.50%
3 不太贊成【Disagree】29126.50%
4 很不贊成【Strongly disagree】11510.50%
5 無意見【No preference】615.50%
總和 𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐋1,100100.00%
C1 請問您認為重大的政策爭議應該由下列哪一個來解決?【Which of the following do you think should be responsible for the resolution of major policy disputes?】
1 總統【The President】14313.00%13.00%13.00%
2 立法院【Legislative Yuan】15614.20%14.20%27.20%
3 司法院大法官【Grand Justices of the Judicial Yuan】978.80%8.80%36%
4 全國性公民投票【National referendums】64558.60%58.60%95%
5 其他【Others, please specify】191.70%2%96.30%
6 不知道【I don’t know】272.50%2.50%99%
7 拒答【Prefer not to answer】131.20%1.20%100%
總和 𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐋1100100.00%
C2 請問您認為下列哪一項是司法院大法官的主要工作?【Which of the following do you think is the main responsibility of the Grand Justices of the Judicial Yuan?】
1 制訂憲法【Drafting the Constitution】948.50%8.50%8.50%
2 解釋憲法【Interpreting the Constitution】92584.10%84.10%92.60%
3 審判民刑事案件【Presiding over civil and criminal trials】373.40%3.40%96%
4 不知道【I don’t know】433.90%3.90%100%
5 拒答【Prefer not to answer】10.10%0%100.00%
總和 𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐋1,100100.00%
C3 大法官在 2017 年作成解釋,宣告同性婚姻受到憲法的保障,請問您同不同意立法院可以投票推翻這個解釋?【A constitutional interpretation in 2017 found same-sex marriage to be constitutional. To what extent do you agree that the Legislative Yuan should be allowed to vote to overturn this constitutional interpretation?】
1 很同意【Strongly agree】20518.60%18.60%18.60%
2 還算同意【Agree】19818.00%18.00%36.60%
3 不太同意【Disagree】26123.70%23.70%60%
4 很不同意【Strongly disagree】33630.50%30.50%91%
5 無意見【No preference】958.60%9%99.40%
6 拒答【Prefer not to answer】50.50%0.50%100%
總和 𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐋1100100.00%
C4 請問您同不同意可以用公民投票的方式來推翻這個解釋?【Do you agree that this explanation can be overturned by a referendum?】
1 很同意【Strongly agree】35832.50%32.50%32.50%
2 還算同意【Agree】29426.70%26.70%59.20%
3 不太同意【Disagree】16715.20%15.20%74%
4 很不同意【Strongly disagree】20518.60%18.60%93%
5 無意見【No preference】686.20%6%99.20%
6 拒答【Prefer not to answer】80.70%0.70%100%
總和 𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐋1100100.00%
D1 請問您贊不贊成要按捺指紋並建檔才能換發身分證?【To what extent do you agree that citizens should be fingerprinted for record-keeping purposes in order to receive their national ID cards?】
1 很贊成【Strongly agree】36533.20%33.20%33.20%
2 還算贊成【Agree】36633.30%33.30%66.50%
3 不太贊成【Disagree】17916.30%16.30%83%
4 很不贊成【Strongly disagree】16114.60%14.60%97%
5 無意見【No preference】292.60%3%100.00%
總和 𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐋1,100100.00%
D2 請問您贊不贊成政府有權力要求每個人,提供基因資料,建立資料庫?【To what extent do you agree that the government has the right to request for the genetic information of its people in order to establish a database?】
1 很贊成【Strongly agree】16915.40%15.40%15.40%
2 還算贊成【Agree】28225.60%25.60%41.00%
3 不太贊成【Disagree】31328.50%28.50%70%
4 很不贊成【Strongly disagree】31228.40%28.40%98%
5 無意見【No preference】242.20%2%100.00%
總和 𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐋1,100100.00%
E1 請問您認為在司法案件處理上,下列何者比較重要?【Which of the following do you think is the most important aspect when dealing with a judicial case?】
1 被告的人權被充分保障【That the defendant’s human rights are respected】363.30%3.30%3.30%
2 犯罪的人最後受到法律制裁【That the perpetrator is held accountable by the law】35732.50%32.50%35.80%
3 一樣重要【Both are equally important】70764.30%64.30%100%
總和 𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐋1100100.00%
E2 社會上有人提倡法院在審理案件時,由專業法官主持程序解釋法律,但由一般民眾組成陪審團來作成有罪或無罪的判決。請問您贊不贊成實行這種制度?【Some people have pushed for a system under which statutory interpretation is carried out by a professional judge whereas a verdict is reached by a jury comprising members of the public. To what extent do you approve of the implementation of this system?】
1 很贊成【Strongly agree】23421.30%21.30%21.30%
2 還算贊成【Agree】49845.30%45.30%66.60%
3 不太贊成【Disagree】25823.50%23.50%90%
4 很不贊成【Strongly disagree】666.00%6.00%96%
5 無意見【No preference】444.00%4%100.00%
總和 𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐋1,100100.00%
E3 目前司法院正在推行國民參與審判制度,這種制度是讓一般民眾擔任國民法官,與專業法官共同作成判決。請問您贊不贊成實行這個制度?【The Judicial Yuan is currently rolling out a lay judge system to increase citizen participation in court trials. Under this system, regular citizens will be appointed as lay judges and work with professional judges to hand down court judgments. To what extent do you approve of the implementation of this system?】
1 很贊成【Highly approve】24622.40%22.40%22.40%
2 還算贊成【Approve】56451.30%51.30%73.70%
3 不太贊成【Disapprove】19818.00%18.00%92%
4 很不贊成【Highly disapprove】565.10%5.10%97%
5 無意見【No preference】363.30%3%100.00%
總和 𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐋1,100100.00%