01 警察【The police】1921.80%21.80%21.80%
02 律師【Lawyers】1213.80%13.80%35.60%
03 親友【Friends and family】1213.80%13.80%49.40%
04 調解委員會【】 Mediation committee910.30%10.30%59.80%
05 村里長、民意代表等地方人士【Village chiefs, borough chiefs, elected representatives, and other local authority】55.70%5.70%65.50%
06 政府機關(社會局、家暴中心等)【Government agencies (e.g. the Department of Social Welfare, Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Prevention Center)】1213.80%13.80%79.30%
07 公益團體(婦女新知、法律扶助基金會等)【Public welfare organizations (e.g. Awakening Foundation, Legal Aid Foundation)】33.40%3.40%82.80%
08 其他協助管道,請說明 【Others, please specify:】44.60%4.60%87.40%
09 從未尋求過任何協助【】 I have never approached anyone for aid1112.60%12.60%100%
總和 𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐋87100%100%