01 不希望張揚【I don't wish to draw attention to the case】60113.80%13.80%13.80%
02 不想撕破臉【I don't wish to fall out with the other party】93221.40%21.40%35.10%
03 判決無法解決問題【 A court ruling won't solve the problem】67715.50%15.50%50.60%
04 上法院太浪費時間和金錢【It's a waste of time and money to go to court】113225.90%25.90%76.60%
05 不喜歡上法院【I don't like to go to court】92621.20%21.20%97.80%
06 其他,請說明【Others, please specify:】821.90%1.90%99.70%
97 不知道 【I don't know】120.30%0.30%99.90%
98 拒答 【Prefer not to answer】30.10%0.10%100%
總和 𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐋4365100%