(01) 老人的配偶【The elder's spouse】 | 55 | 3.40% | 3.40% | 3.40% |
(02) 兒子【The son】 | 339 | 21.20% | 21.20% | 24.60% |
(03) 媳婦【The daughter-in-law】 | 73 | 4.50% | 4.50% | 29.10% |
(04) 女兒【The daughter】 | 70 | 4.30% | 4.30% | 33.40% |
(05) 女婿【The son-in-law】 | 2 | 0.20% | 0.20% | 33.60% |
(06) 看護【Caregiver】 | 87 | 5.40% | 5.40% | 39.00% |
(07) 養老院或安養院【Nursing home】 | 29 | 1.80% | 1.80% | 40.80% |
(08) 老人獨立生活【The elder is living independently】 | 394 | 24.60% | 24.60% | 65.40% |
(09) 家中沒有老人(跳答D3)【No elder in my family (proceed to D3)】 | 483 | 30.20% | 30.20% | 95.60% |
(10) 其他,請說明__【Others, Please specify】 | 41 | 2.60% | 2.60% | 98.20% |
(97) 不知道【I don't know】 | 28 | 1.80% | 1.80% | 100% |
(98) 拒答【Prefer not to answer】 | 0 | 0.00% | 0.00% | 100% |
總和 𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐋 | 1601 | 100% | 100% | |