Law and Social Change Survey Database

2012 調查第3期【法律基本問項 𝐁𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐜 𝐐𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐋𝐚𝐰】

B1 請問您本人有沒有從事過法律相關的工作?【Are you working in the legal profession or its related fields?】
01 有【YES】382.50%2.50%2.50%
02 沒有【NO】146997.50%97.50%100.00%
97 不知道【I don’t know】10.00%0.00%100.00%
總和 𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐋1507100.00%100.00%
B2 請問您親友中有沒有人是從事法律相關工作的?【Do you know of any friends or family members working in the legal profession or its related fields ?】
01 有【YES】27418.20%18.20%18.20%
02 沒有 (跳答C1)【NO (proceed to C1)】119479.30%79.30%97.40%
97 不知道 (跳答C1)【I don’t know (proceed to C1)】372.50%2.50%99.90%
98 拒答 (跳答C1)【Prefer not to answer (proceed to C1)】10.10%0.10%100%
總和 𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐋1507100.00%100.00%
B3 請問您有沒有詢問或請教過他(們)法律問題?【Have you approached them when in need of legal advice?】
01 有【YES】1399.20%9.20%9.20%
02 沒有【NO】1348.90%8.90%18.10%
97 不知道【I don’t know】10.10%0.10%18.20%
B 遺漏值或跳答【Skip】123381.80%81.80%100%
總和 𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐋1507100.00%100.00%


C1 請問您心中認為夫妻結婚後,應該住在哪裡?【Where do you think a couple should live after they get married?】
01 男方家【With the husband’s family】38425.50%25.50%25.50%
02 女方家【With the wife’s family】10.10%0.10%25.60%
03 男方家或女方家均可【With either party’s family】39426.20%26.20%51.70%
04 另外找地方住【A place of their own】58438.70%38.70%91%
97 不知道【I don’t know】1328.70%8.70%99.20%
98 拒答【Prefer not to answer】121%0.80%100.00%
總和 𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐋1507100.00%100.00%
C2 依法律規定,夫妻結婚後無法共同決定要住在哪裡,可由法院決定,請問您贊不贊成?【To what extent do you agree that in accordance with the law, the court can decide where a couple should live if the couple cannot reach a consensus getting married?】
01 非常贊成【Strongly agree】523.40%3.40%3.40%
02 贊成【Agree】28018.60%18.60%22.00%
03 不贊成【Disagree】54636.30%36.30%58.30%
04 非常不贊成【Strongly disagree】51334.00%34.00%92%
97 不知道【I don’t know】1036.90%6.90%99.20%
98 拒答【Prefer not to answer】121%0.80%100.00%
總和 𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐋1507100.00%100.00%
C3 如果您對法院決定的夫妻住所不滿意,請問您會怎麼做?【If you are not satisfied with the residence decided by the court, what would you do?】
01 繼續上訴【Proceed with an appeal】33522.20%22.20%22.20%
02 找民意代表陳情或投書報章媒體【Find an elected representative for petition, or write a letter to newspapers】17611.70%11.70%33.90%
03 仍然堅持住在原本的地方【Insist on living in the current residence】53635.60%35.60%69.40%
04 因為法院已經判了,只好搬去法院決定的地方【Move to the decided residence since it is ruled by the court】24316.10%16.10%86%
97 不知道【I don’t know】19112.60%12.60%98.20%
98 拒答【Prefer not to answer】272%1.80%100.00%
總和 𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐋1507100.00%100.00%
D1 如果夫家和娘家都有需要照顧的父母,您認為已婚婦女應該優先照顧夫家的父母嗎?【If both the husband´s and the wife´s parents need to be attended to, to what extent do you agree that a married woman should give priority to taking care of the husband´s parents?】
01 非常應該【Strongly agree】18712.40%12.40%12.40%
02 應該【Agree】55236.70%36.70%49.10%
03 不應該【Disagree】43128.60%28.60%77.70%
04 非常不應該【Strongly disagree】845.60%5.60%83%
97 不知道【I don’t know】23515.60%15.60%98.90%
98 拒答【Prefer not to answer】171%1.10%100.00%
總和 𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐋1507100.00%100.00%
D2 請問您認為長期照顧公婆或岳父母的媳婦或女婿,應不應該也有繼承公婆或岳父母遺產的權利?【To what extent do you agree that a daughter-in-law or son-in-law who has attended to his/her parents-in-law for a long time should also be entitled to a part of the inheritance when the parents-in-law pass away?】
01 非常應該【Strongly agree】31620.90%20.90%20.90%
02 應該【Agree】63442.00%42.00%63.00%
03 不應該【Disagree】31921.20%21.20%84.10%
04 非常不應該【Strongly disagree】734.80%4.80%89%
97 不知道【I don’t know】15510.30%10.30%99.20%
98 拒答【Prefer not to answer】111%0.80%100.00%
總和 𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐋1507100.00%100.00%
D3 請問您認為負責照顧父母生活的子女,應該繼承比較多遺產嗎?【To what extent do you agree that children who are responsible for taking care of their parent(s) should be distributed a greater part of the inheritance?】
01 非常應該【Strongly agree】45029.90%29.90%29.90%
02 應該【Agree】53335.40%35.40%65.30%
03 不應該【Disagree】31420.90%20.90%86.10%
04 非常不應該【Strongly disagree】825.40%5.40%92%
97 不知道【I don’t know】1127.50%7.50%99.00%
98 拒答【Prefer not to answer】151%1.00%100.00%
總和 𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐋1507100.00%100.00%
D4 請問您贊不贊成當事人不能協調時,可以由法院來決定遺產分配的比例?【To what extent do you agree that when the involved parties are unable to reach a consensus, the court may rule and determine the inheritance distribution?】
01 非常贊成【Strongly agree】47731.70%31.70%31.70%
02 贊成【Agree】74149.10%49.10%80.80%
03 不贊成【Disagree】1499.90%9.90%90.70%
04 非常不贊成【Strongly disagree】835.50%5.50%96%
97 不知道【I don’t know】543.60%3.60%99.80%
98 拒答【Prefer not to answer】30%0.20%100.00%
總和 𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐋1507100.00%100.00%
E1 請問您贊不贊成,長期互相照顧,一起生活的同性戀者,可以當彼此的保險受益人?【To what extent do you agree that homosexual individuals who have lived together and taken care of each other for a long time are entitled to be the beneficiaries of each other´s insurance policies?】
01 非常贊成【Strongly agree】29419.50%19.50%19.50%
02 贊成【Agree】55937.10%37.10%56.60%
03 不贊成【Disagree】22214.80%14.80%71.30%
04 非常不贊成【Strongly disagree】25617.00%17.00%88%
97 不知道【I don’t know】16110.70%10.70%99.10%
98 拒答【Prefer not to answer】141%0.90%100.00%
總和 𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐋1507100.00%100.00%
E2 請問您覺得彼此互相照顧,長期一起生活的同性戀者,應不應該有繼承對方遺產的權利?【To what extent do you agree that homosexual individuals who have lived together and taken care of each other for a long time should have the right to receive the other party´s inheritance?】
01 非常應該【Strongly agree】26117.30%17.30%17.30%
02 應該【Agree】58138.60%38.60%55.90%
03 不應該【Disagree】28118.60%18.60%74.50%
04 非常不應該【Strongly disagree】19713.10%13.10%88%
97 不知道【I don’t know】17211.40%11.40%99.00%
98 拒答【Prefer not to answer】151%1.00%100.00%
總和 𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐋1507100.00%100.00%
E3 如果您覺得某些司法判決不符合社會期待,或與社會脫節時,請問您會有什麼具體行動來表示您的看法?【If you feel that certain judicial decisions do not meet social expectations or are out of touch with society, what specific actions will you take to express your views?】
01 上街頭遊行抗議【Protest on the streets】835.50%5.50%5.50%
02 參加簽名連署的請願活動【Sign a petition】41627.60%27.60%33.20%
03 在報章媒體或網路上表達自己的意見【Express your opinion in newspapers or online media】40626.90%26.90%60.10%
04 捐錢給參與抗議的活動或團體,或者幫他們募款【Donate money to or raise money for protest campaigns or groups】1348.90%8.90%69%
05 不會有任何行動 【I will not take action】39726.40%26.40%95.30%
97 不知道【I don’t know】674%4.40%99.80%
98 拒答【Prefer not to answer】40.20%0.20%100%
總和 𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐋1507100%100%
F1 請問夫妻並未離婚,但雙方同意分居,沒有住在一起的期間,您認為雙方應該有扶養對方的責任嗎?【To what extent do you agree that if a couple are not divorced but agree to be separated and do not live together, they still have the responsibility to support each other financially?】
01 非常應該【Strongly agree】32421.50%21.50%21.50%
02 應該【Agree】57738.30%38.30%59.80%
03 不應該【Disagree】40026.60%26.60%86.30%
04 非常不應該【Strongly disagree】1268.30%8.30%95%
97 不知道【I don’t know】785.20%5.20%99.80%
98 拒答【Prefer not to answer】20%0.20%100.00%
總和 𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐋1507100.00%100.00%
F2 請問夫妻並未離婚,但雙方同意分居,沒有住在一起的期間,若對方有其他的異性伴侶,您同意有告對方通姦的權利嗎?【To what extent do you agree that if a couple are not divorced but agree to be separated and do not live together, the husband or wife has the right to sue the other party for adultery if the other party has another partner of the opposite sex during this time?】
01 非常同意【Strongly agree】49833.00%33.00%33.00%
02 同意【Agree】47531.50%31.50%64.50%
03 不同意【Disagree】33422.20%22.20%86.70%
04 非常不同意【Strongly disagree】1238.20%8.20%95%
97 不知道【I don’t know】734.80%4.80%99.80%
98 拒答【Prefer not to answer】40%0.20%100.00%
總和 𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐋1507100.00%100.00%
F3 請問您贊不贊成,只要夫妻雙方分居多年,不相往來,不論對錯,雙方都有權利向法院提起離婚訴訟?【To what extent do you agree that as long as a couple have been separated for many years and are not in contact at all, both parties should have the right to file a divorce suit to the court regardless of who caused the deterioration of the relationship?】
01 非常贊成 (跳答G1)【Strongly agree (proceed to G1)】77551.40%51.40%51.40%
02 贊成 (跳答G1)【Agree (proceed to G1)】60640.20%40.20%91.60%
03 不贊成【Disagree】493.30%3.30%94.90%
04 非常不贊成【Strongly disagree】312.00%2.00%97%
97 不知道 (跳答G1)【I don’t know (proceed to G1)】442.90%2.90%99.80%
98 拒答 (跳答G1)【Prefer not to answer (proceed to G1)】20%0.20%100.00%
總和 𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐋1507100.00%100.00%
F4 請問您不贊成的主要理由為何?【What is the main reason for your disagreement?】
01 對社會風氣不好【It may lead to degradation in morality across society】161.10%1.10%1.10%
02 對沒錯的人不公平【It’s not fair to the one who has done nothing wrong】291.90%1.90%3.00%
03 會讓不想離婚的人被迫離婚【The one who doesn’t want to divorce may be forced to do so】161.10%1.10%4.10%
04 不想離婚的人可能因此失去經濟上的保障【The one who doesn’t want to divorce may hence lose financial security】70.50%0.50%5%
97 不知道【I don’t know】90.60%0.60%5.20%
98 拒答【Prefer not to answer】20%0.10%5.30%
B 遺漏值或跳答【Skip】142794.70%94.70%100%
總和 𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐋1507100%100%
G1 請問您知道夫妻提起離婚訴訟,要先進行調解,如果調解不成,才會由法院審理的規定嗎?【Did you know as stipulated by the law, a couple must go through mediation first if they want to file a divorce suit, and that only when mediation fails will the divorce proceedings begin?】
01 完全明白【Yes, I’m fully aware of that】24716.40%16.40%16.40%
02 聽過但不太清楚細節【Yes, I have heard about it but don’t know the details】62041.20%41.20%57.50%
03 現在是第一次聽到【No, I didn’t know this before】63442.00%42.00%99.60%
98 拒答【Prefer not to answer】60.40%0.40%100%
總和 𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐋1507100.00%100.00%
G2 法律規定離婚訴訟,一定要先經過調解,如果調解不成,才由法院審理,請問您贊不贊成這個規定?【To what extent do you agree that, as stipulated by the law, a couple must go through mediation first if they want to file a divorce suit, and that only when mediation fails will the divorce proceedings begin?】
01 非常贊成【Strongly agree】69846.30%46.30%46.30%
02 贊成【Agree】62841.70%41.70%88.00%
03 不贊成【Disagree】845.60%5.60%93.60%
04 非常不贊成【Strongly disagree】432.90%2.90%97%
97 不知道【I don’t know】523.50%3.50%99.90%
98 拒答【Prefer not to answer】10%0.10%100.00%
總和 𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐋1507100.00%100.00%
G3 假設您有親友要進行離婚訴訟,請問您會不會鼓勵他去參加訴訟前的法院調解?【If you had a relative or friend who wanted to file a divorce suit, would you encourage him/her to participate in the mediation before the proceedings?】
01 一定會 (跳答H1)【I definitely would (proceed to H1)】45530.20%30.20%30.20%
02 應該會 (跳答H1)【I probably would (proceed to H1)】71447.40%47.40%77.60%
03 應該不會【I probably wouldn’t】17711.70%11.70%89.30%
04 一定不會【I definitely wouldn’t】926.10%6.10%95%
05 不知道 (跳答H1)【I don’t know (proceed to H1)】684.50%4.50%99.90%
98 拒答 (跳答H1)【Prefer not to answer (proceed to H1)】20%0.10%100.00%
總和 𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐋1507100.00%100.00%
G4 請問您不鼓勵他參加的最主要理由是下列哪一項?【Which of the following is the main reason for you to discourage him/her from participating?】
01 調解委員可能會不夠中立【Mediation committee members may be partial】80.60%0.60%0.60%
02 調解委員的專業調解能力不夠【Mediation committee members are not professional enough】70.50%0.50%1.00%
03 調解過程浪費時間,法院直接判一判比較快【Mediation is a waste of time; court ruling is more efficient】291.90%1.90%2.90%
04 清官難斷家務事,夫妻應該自己溝通,外人很難調解成功【It’s a family issue and should be solved by the couple themselves, not by a third party】20513.60%13.60%17%
97 不知道【I don’t know】181.20%1.20%17.70%
98 拒答【Prefer not to answer】10%0.10%17.80%
B 遺漏值或跳答【Skip】123982.20%82.20%100%
總和 𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐋1507100%100%
H1 請問您知道父母對子女的教養有爭執時,可以請求法院決定的規定嗎?【Did you know when parents have disputes over the upbringing of children, they can seek the ruling of the court to settle the disputes?】
01 完全明白【Yes, I’m fully aware of that】1187.80%7.80%7.80%
02 聽過但不太清楚細節【Yes, I have heard about it but don’t know the details】33222.00%22.00%29.90%
03 現在是第一次聽到【No, I didn’t know this before】105169.70%69.70%99.60%
98 拒答【Prefer not to answer】60.40%0.40%100%
總和 𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐋1507100.00%100.00%
H2 如果父母對於子女的教養有爭執時,請問您認為下列哪類問題適合由法院處理?(可複選)【If parents have disputes over the upbringing of children, which of the following issues are appropriate to be handled by the court?】
01 住所問題 (跳答H4)【Residence issues (proceed to H4)】32114.60%14.60%14.60%
02 醫療問題 (跳答H4)【Medical care issues (proceed to H4)】30613.90%13.90%28.50%
03 管教問題 (跳答H4)【General upbringing issues (proceed to H4)】42419.30%19.30%47.80%
04 子女財產問題 (跳答H4)【Children’s property issues (proceed to H4)】57326.10%26.10%74%
05 以上都不適合【None of the above】44420.20%20.20%94.10%
97 不知道 (跳答H4)【I don’t know (proceed to H4)】1216%5.50%99.60%
98 拒答 (跳答H4)【Prefer not to answer (proceed to H4)】90.40%0.40%100%
總和 𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐋2198100%100%
H3 請問您認為法院不適合處理子女教養問題,最主要的理由是什麼?【What is the main reason that you think the court should not handle issues regarding the upbringing of children?】
01 法院介入會破壞家人之間的感情【Court intervention will destroy the relationship between family members】533.50%3.50%3.50%
02 法院很難評斷如何教養子女【The court will have great difficulty judging what is the best way to raise children】1318.70%8.70%12.20%
03 教養子女的問題,不是法院一次的裁判就能解決【These issues cannot be solved by a single judgment by the court】18011.90%11.90%24.10%
04 不要浪費司法資源【It would be a waste of judicial resources】674.40%4.40%29%
97 不知道【I don’t know】140.90%0.90%29.50%
B 遺漏值或跳答【Skip】106371%70.50%100.00%
總和 𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐋1507100.00%100.00%
H4 如果您對法院子女教養的裁判結果不滿意,請問您會怎麼做?【If you were not satisfied with the ruling on children´s upbringing made by the court, what would you do?】
01 繼續上訴【Proceed with an appeal】64342.70%42.70%42.70%
02 找民意代表陳情或投書報章媒體【Find an elected representative for petition, or write a letter to newspaper】15810.50%10.50%53.20%
03 仍然堅持自己的教養方式【Insist on the current way of upbringing】27518.30%18.30%71.40%
04 因為法院已經判了,只好遵守【Follow the ruling made by the court】28819.10%19.10%91%
97 不知道【I don’t know】1258.30%8.30%98.80%
98 拒答【Prefer not to answer】181%1.20%100.00%
總和 𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐋1507100.00%100.00%