Law and Social Change Survey Database

2019 調查第5期 (2)【刑事法題組 𝐐𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐨𝐧 𝐂𝐫𝐢𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐋𝐚𝐰】

I1 請問您認為,整體而言,台灣近年來治安變好還是變差?【In general, how do you think the safety in Taiwan has changed in recent years?】
(01) 明顯變好【Improved greatly】703.40%3.40%3.40%
(02) 變好【Improved】37618.30%18.50%22.00%
(03) 差不多【Not much has changed】55126.90%27.20%49.10%
(04) 變差【Deteriorated】49824.30%24.50%73.70%
(05) 明顯變差【Deteriorated greatly】53426.00%26.30%100.00%
(97) 不知道【I don’t know】201.00%
(98) 拒答【Prefer not to answer】30.10%
總和 𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐋2052100.00%
I2 請問您認為,台灣近幾年發生幾起重大的殺人事件,最主要的原因為何?【Which of the following do you think is the main reason for the major murder cases Taiwan has seen in recent years?】
(01)法院很少判死刑【The court rarely metes out the death penalty】43921.40%22.00%22.00%
(02)法律處罰太輕【The legal punishment is too light】56227.40%28.20%50.30%
(03)政府對於個人或家庭的支持或協助不足【The government is not providing sufÏcient support and aid to individuals and families】1698.20%8.50%58.80%
(04)殺人者個人的因素【It’s the offender’s personal issues】25012.20%12.60%71.30%
(05)社會風氣敗壞【There has been a degradation in morality across society】21810.60%10.90%82.30%
(06)貧富差距過大【The rich-poor divide is too wide】824.00%4.10%86.40%
(07)無法一概而論【It’s impossible make a general statement on this matter】22010.70%11.00%97.40%
(08)其他,請說明:【Others, Please specify】512.50%2.60%100.00%
(97) 不知道【I don’t know】572.80%
(98) 拒答【Prefer not to answer】40.20%
總和 𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐋2052100.00%
I3 請問您認為,我國法院的判刑一般來說是重還是輕?【In your opinion, how light or heavy are the sentences handed down by Taiwanese courts in general?】
(01)過重【Too Heavy】60.30%0.30%0.30%
(05)過輕【Too light】82440.20%41.70%90.00%
(06)無法一概而論【It’s impossible make a general statement on this matter】1979.60%10.00%100.00%
(95) 無意見【No preference】673.30%
(98) 拒答【Prefer not to answer】80.40%
總和 𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐋2052100.00%
I4 請問您認為,政府在制定防範酒駕政策時,應該以誰的意見做為最重要的參考依據?【In your opinion, which of the following parties should the government mainly take advice from when drafting policies relating to drunk driving?】
(01)媒體評論【The media】211.00%1.10%1.10%
(03)行政機關的意見【Administrative organizations】1869.10%9.60%20.90%
(04)民眾意見【The people】84341.10%43.40%64.30%
(05)基層執法人員的意見(如:警察)【Law enforcement ofÏcers at grass-roots level (e.g. police ofÏcers)】69433.80%35.70%100.00%
(95) 無意見【No preference】954.60%
(98) 拒答【Prefer not to answer】150.70%
總和 𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐋2052100.00%
I5 請問在您的印象中,近年來殺人事件是增加還是減少?【In your opinion, has the number of murder cases increased or decreased in recent years?】
(01) 明顯增加【Increased greatly】66132.20%33.50%33.50%
(02) 增加【Increased】77537.80%39.30%72.80%
(03) 差不多【No obvious difference】27413.40%13.90%86.70%
(04) 減少【Decreased】23311.40%11.80%98.50%
(05) 明顯減少【Decreased greatly】301.50%1.50%100.00%
(97) 不知道【I don’t know】773.80%
(98) 拒答【Prefer not to answer】20.10%
總和 𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐋2052100.00%
I6 請問在您的印象中,近年來酒駕肇事案件是增加還是減少?【In your opinion, has the number of accidents arising from drunk driving increased or decreased in recent years?】
(01) 明顯增加【Increased greatly】81839.90%40.70%40.70%
(02) 增加【Increased】70734.50%35.20%75.90%
(03) 差不多【No obvious difference】1577.70%7.80%83.70%
(04) 減少【Decreased】26713.00%13.30%97.00%
(05) 明顯減少【Decreased greatly】602.90%3.00%100.00%
(97) 不知道【I don’t know】401.90%
(98) 拒答【Prefer not to answer】30.10%
總和 𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐋2052100.00%
I7 請問在您的印象中,近年來詐欺犯罪案件是增加還是減少?【In your opinion, has the number of fraud cases increased or decreased in recent years?】
(01) 明顯增加【Increased greatly】81339.60%40.90%40.90%
(02) 增加【Increased】67933.10%34.20%75.10%
(03) 差不多【No obvious difference】1708.30%8.60%83.60%
(04) 減少【Decreased】26813.10%13.50%97.10%
(05) 明顯減少【Decreased greatly】572.80%2.90%100.00%
(97) 不知道【I don’t know】613.00%
(98) 拒答【Prefer not to answer】40.20%
總和 𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐋2052100.00%
I8 關於治安改善的問題,請問您認為下列何者是政府最應該做的?【Which of the following measures do you think the government should adopt to improve safety and security in Taiwan?】
(01) 加重刑罰【Mete out heavier punishments】57928.20%29.10%29.10%
(02) 改善監所環境防止再犯【 Improve prison environment to prevent recidivism】623.00%3.10%32.20%
(03) 執行死刑【Mete out the death penalty】25212.30%12.70%44.90%
(04) 加強執法【Strengthen law enforcement】37018.00%18.60%63.50%
(05) 改善經濟環境及強化社會支持【Improve the economic environment and strengthen social support】72635.40%36.50%100.00%
(95) 無意見【No preference】582.80%
(98) 拒答【Prefer not to answer】50.20%
總和 𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐋2052100.00%
I9 關於治安改善問題,請問對以下這些人所發表的意見,您信不信任? 01 法官【To what extent do you trust the following parties when it comes to their views on improving safety in Taiwan? (01) Judges】
(01) 非常信任【Very high level of trust】492.40%2.50%2.50%
(02) 信任【High level of trust】101649.50%52.00%54.50%
(03) 普通【Neutral】22110.80%11.30%65.80%
(04) 不信任【Low level of trust】56627.60%29.00%94.80%
(05) 非常不信任【Very low level of trust】1014.90%5.20%100.00%
(95) 無意見【No Preference】793.80%
(98) 拒答【Prefer not to answer】201.00%
總和 𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐋2052100.00%
I9 關於治安改善問題,請問對以下這些人所發表的意見,您信不信任? 02 檢察官【To what extent do you trust the following parties when it comes to their views on improving safety in Taiwan? (02) Prosecutors】
(01) 非常信任【Very high level of trust】854.10%4.40%4.40%
(02) 信任【High level of trust】118857.90%60.90%65.20%
(03) 普通【Neutral】21810.60%11.20%76.40%
(04) 不信任【Low level of trust】40119.50%20.50%96.90%
(05) 非常不信任【Very low level of trust】602.90%3.10%100.00%
(95) 無意見【No Preference】824.00%
(98) 拒答【Prefer not to answer】180.90%
總和 𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐋2052100.00%
I9 關於治安改善問題,請問對以下這些人所發表的意見,您信不信任? 03 律師【To what extent do you trust the following parties when it comes to their views on improving safety in Taiwan? (03) Lawyers】
(01) 非常信任【Very high level of trust】512.50%2.60%2.60%
(02) 信任【High level of trust】101049.20%52.40%55.00%
(03) 普通【Neutral】29514.40%15.30%70.30%
(04) 不信任【Low level of trust】51525.10%26.70%97.00%
(05) 非常不信任【Very low level of trust】572.80%3.00%100.00%
(95) 無意見【No Preference】1085.30%
(98) 拒答【Prefer not to answer】160.80%
總和 𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐋2052100.00%
I9 關於治安改善問題,請問對以下這些人所發表的意見,您信不信任? 04 警察【To what extent do you trust the following parties when it comes to their views on improving safety in Taiwan? (04) The police】
(01) 非常信任【Very high level of trust】1266.10%6.30%6.30%
(02) 信任【High level of trust】125461.10%63.10%69.50%
(03) 普通【Neutral】24211.80%12.20%81.60%
(04) 不信任【Low level of trust】32015.60%16.10%97.70%
(05) 非常不信任【Very low level of trust】452.20%2.30%100.00%
(95) 無意見【No Preference】532.60%
(98) 拒答【Prefer not to answer】120.60%
總和 𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐋2052100.00%
I9 關於治安改善問題,請問對以下這些人所發表的意見,您信不信任? 05 記者【To what extent do you trust the following parties when it comes to their views on improving safety in Taiwan? (05) Journalists】
(01) 非常信任【Very high level of trust】130.60%0.70%0.70%
(02) 信任【High level of trust】31015.10%15.90%16.60%
(03) 普通【Neutral】24111.70%12.40%29.00%
(04) 不信任【Low level of trust】102049.70%52.50%81.50%
(05) 非常不信任【Very low level of trust】36017.50%18.50%100.00%
(95) 無意見【No Preference】924.50%
(98) 拒答【Prefer not to answer】160.80%
總和 𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐋2052100.00%
I9 關於治安改善問題,請問對以下這些人所發表的意見,您信不信任? 06 電視名嘴或網紅【To what extent do you trust the following parties when it comes to their views on improving safety in Taiwan? (06) TV personalities and influencers】
(01) 非常信任【Very high level of trust】100.50%0.50%0.50%
(02) 信任【High level of trust】1366.60%7.00%7.50%
(03) 普通【Neutral】1899.20%9.70%17.10%
(04) 不信任【Low level of trust】105551.40%54.00%71.10%
(05) 非常不信任【Very low level of trust】56527.50%28.90%100.00%
(95) 無意見【No Preference】834.00%
(98) 拒答【Prefer not to answer】140.70%
總和 𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐋2052100.00%
I9 關於治安改善問題,請問對以下這些人所發表的意見,您信不信任? 07 專家學者【To what extent do you trust the following parties when it comes to their views on improving safety in Taiwan? (07) Experts and scholars】
(01) 非常信任【Very high level of trust】683.30%3.50%3.50%
(02) 信任【High level of trust】114956.00%58.80%62.30%
(03) 普通【Neutral】26713.00%13.70%76.00%
(04) 不信任【Low level of trust】41820.40%21.40%97.40%
(05) 非常不信任【Very low level of trust】512.50%2.60%100.00%
(95) 無意見【No Preference】824.00%
(98) 拒答【Prefer not to answer】170.80%
總和 𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐋2052100.00%
I9 關於治安改善問題,請問對以下這些人所發表的意見,您信不信任? 08 民意代表【To what extent do you trust the following parties when it comes to their views on improving safety in Taiwan? (08) Elected representatives】
(01) 非常信任【Very high level of trust】120.60%0.60%0.60%
(02) 信任【High level of trust】46822.80%23.90%24.50%
(03) 普通【Neutral】31115.20%15.90%40.40%
(04) 不信任【Low level of trust】94746.20%48.40%88.80%
(05) 非常不信任【Very low level of trust】22010.70%11.20%100.00%
(95) 無意見【No Preference】783.80%
(98) 拒答【Prefer not to answer】160.80%
總和 𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐋2052100.00%
I9 關於治安改善問題,請問對以下這些人所發表的意見,您信不信任? 09 政府官員【To what extent do you trust the following parties when it comes to their views on improving safety in Taiwan? (09) Government officials】
(01) 非常信任【Very high level of trust】261.30%1.30%1.30%
(02) 信任【High level of trust】60729.60%31.00%32.30%
(03) 普通【Neutral】32415.80%16.50%48.80%
(04) 不信任【Low level of trust】83440.60%42.50%91.30%
(05) 非常不信任【Very low level of trust】1708.30%8.70%100.00%
(95) 無意見【No Preference】723.50%
(98) 拒答【Prefer not to answer】190.90%
總和 𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐋2052100.00%
I9 關於治安改善問題,請問對以下這些人所發表的意見,您信不信任? 10 一般民眾【To what extent do you trust the following parties when it comes to their views on improving safety in Taiwan? (10) Members of the public】
(01) 非常信任【Very high level of trust】341.70%1.70%1.70%
(02) 信任【High level of trust】82740.30%42.50%44.30%
(03) 普通【Neutral】42220.60%21.70%66.00%
(04) 不信任【Low level of trust】60829.60%31.30%97.20%
(05) 非常不信任【Very low level of trust】542.60%2.80%100.00%
(95) 無意見【No Preference】894.30%
(98) 拒答【Prefer not to answer】180.90%
總和 𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐋2052100.00%
I10 有些國家在制訂刑事政策的時候,很仰賴專家學者的研究成果,即使這些成果可能和民眾的想法不同。請問您同不同意,我們的政府也該這樣做?【When formulating criminal policies, some countries rely heavily on the research results of experts and scholars even though these results may be different from public opinion. To what extent do you agree that the Taiwanese government should do the same?】
(01) 非常同意【Strongly agree】1195.80%6.20%6.20%
(02) 同意【Agree】97147.30%50.70%56.90%
(03) 不同意【Disagree】69433.80%36.20%93.10%
(04) 非常不同意【Strongly disagree】1336.50%6.90%100.00%
(95) 無意見【No preference】1185.80%
(98) 拒答【Prefer not to answer】170.80%
總和 𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐋2052100.00%
I11 請問您認為,政府制定刑事政策時,以下哪些意見的參考價值比較低?(可複選,最多兩項)【Which of the following should NOT be considered by the government when formulating criminal policies (select up to two)?】
(01) 媒體報導【Media reports】144947.40%
(02) 學者意見【The opinions of scholars】32610.70%
(03) 行政機關的意見【The opinions of administrative organizations】44614.60%
(04) 民眾意見【Public opinion】67322.00%
(05) 基層執法人員的意見(如:警察)【Law enforcement ofÏcers at grass-roots level (e.g. police ofÏcers)】1655.40%
總和 𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐋3,059100.00%
I12 有人主張政府改善監獄的環境,以便協助受刑人出獄後可以過平常人的生活,請問您對這個做法的看法如何?【Some people have urged the government to improve prison conditions to help offenders return to a normal life after their release. To what extent do you agree with this proposal?】
(01) 非常贊成【Strongly agree】33116.10%16.80%16.80%
(02) 贊成【Agree】105451.40%53.50%70.30%
(03) 不贊成【Disagree】41020.00%20.80%91.20%
(04 )非常不贊成【Strongly disagree】1748.50%8.80%100.00%
(95) 無意見【No preference】713.50%
(98) 拒答【Prefer not to answer】120.60%
總和 𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐋2052100.00%