Law and Social Change Survey Database

2019 調查第5期 (2)【公民題組 𝐐𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐨𝐧 𝐂𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐳𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩】

J1 請問您認為重大的政策爭議應該由下列哪一個來解決?【Which of the following parties do you think should be responsible for the resolution of major policy disputes?】
(01) 總統【The President】1276.20%6.50%6.50%
(02) 立法院【The Legislative Yuan】23611.50%12.10%18.70%
(03) 司法院大法官【Grand Justices of the Judicial Yuan】21410.40%11.00%29.70%
(04) 全國性公民投票【National referendum】128162.40%65.90%95.50%
(05) 行政院院長【The Premier (or President of the Executive Yuan)】512.50%2.60%98.10%
(97) 不知道【I don’t know】964.70%
(98) 拒答【Prefer not to answer】110.50%
總和 𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐋2052100.00%
J2 請問您認為一個民主社會是不是一定要有公民投票制度?【Do you think a referendum system is essential in a democratic society?】
(01) 是【YES】185890.50%93.00%93.00%
(02) 不是【NO】1396.80%7.00%100.00%
(97) 不知道【I don’t know】492.40%
(98) 拒答【Prefer not to answer】60.30%
總和 𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐋2052100.00%
J3 請問您是否曾經參加過公民投票?【Have you ever participated in a referendum?】
(01) 是,曾經參加【YES】169982.883.183.1
(02) 否,不曾參加 (跳答J4題)【NO (proceed to J4)】34616.916.9100
(97) 不知道 (跳答J4題) 【I don’t know (proceed to J4)】70.3
總和 𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐋2052100
J3_1 請問您對參與過的公民投票的投票結果滿意嗎?(若不止一次,請以最近一次的經驗來回答)【Were you satisfied with the results of the referendum that you had participated in (please share your most recent experience)?】
(01) 很滿意【Highly satisfied】1095.30%6.60%6.60%
(02) 還算滿意【Satisfied】80239.10%48.70%55.30%
(03) 不太滿意【Dissatisfied】45422.10%27.50%82.80%
(04) 很不滿意【Highly dissatisfied】28313.80%17.20%100.00%
(97) 不知道【I don’t know】482.30%
(98) 拒答【Prefer not to answer】30.10%
總和 𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐋2052100.00%
J4 請問您對於公民投票題目的具體內容是在投票日之前就有瞭解,還是在投票日當天才瞭解?【In your experience, did you understand the issue being voted on before the referendum or on the actual day of the referendum?】
(01) 在投票日之前就有瞭解【Before the referendum】162078.90%79.40%79.40%
(02) 在投票日當天才瞭解 (跳答J5題)【On the actual day of the referendum (proceed to J5)】2039.90%9.90%89.30%
(03) 都不瞭解 (跳答K1題)【Did not understand the issue at all (proceed to K1)】21810.60%10.70%100.00%
(97) 不知道 (跳答K1題)【I don’t know (proceed to K1)】100.50%
(98) 拒答 (跳答K1題)【Prefer not to answer (proceed to K1)】10.00%
總和 𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐋2,052100.00%
J4_1 請問您主要從哪裡得到公民投票議題的相關訊息?(複選至多兩項,請排序(01) 親友、同學或鄰居、同事 (包括經由電話或社群媒體的聯繫) (跳答J5題) )【Which of the following was your main source of information related to the referendum?(01) Friends, family, peers, neighbors, and colleagues (including those kept in contact via phone calls and social media) (proceed to J5)】
(01) 親友、同學或鄰居、同事 (包括經由電話或社群媒體的聯繫) (跳答J5題)【Friends, family, peers, neighbors, and colleagues (including those kept in contact via phone calls and social media) (proceed to J5)】27513.40%49.00%49.00%
(02) 網路 (包括網路論壇、部落格、粉絲專頁等,但不含政府網站) (跳答J4_3題)【The Internet (including online forums, blogs, fan pages; excluding ofÏcial government websites) (proceed to J4-3)】28613.90%51.00%100
(98) 系統界定的遺漏【System Missing Values】105951.60%
(99) 跳答【Skip】43221.10%
總和 𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐋2052100.00%
J4_1 請問您主要從哪裡得到公民投票議題的相關訊息?(複選至多兩項,請排序 (02) 網路 (包括網路論壇、部落格、粉絲專頁等,但不含政府網站) (跳答J4_3題))【Which of the following was your main source of information related to the referendum? (02) he Internet (including online forums, blogs, fan pages; excluding ofÏcial government websites) (proceed to J4-3)】
(01) 親友、同學或鄰居、同事 (包括經由電話或社群媒體的聯繫) (跳答J5題)【Friends, family, peers, neighbors, and colleagues (including those kept in contact via phone calls and social media) (proceed to J5)】54626.60%62.50%62.50%
(02) 網路 (包括網路論壇、部落格、粉絲專頁等,但不含政府網站) (跳答J4_3題)【The Internet (including online forums, blogs, fan pages; excluding ofÏcial government websites) (proceed to J4-3)】32816.00%37.50%100.00%
(98) 系統界定的遺漏【System Missing Value】74636.40%
(99) 跳答【Skip】43221.10%
總和 𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐋2052100.00%
J4_1 請問您主要從哪裡得到公民投票議題的相關訊息?(複選至多兩項,請排序 (03) 政府機關 (公投公報、政府公告及政府網站等) (跳答J5題))【Which of the following was your main source of information related to the referendum? (03) Government agencies (e.g. government gazettes, announcements, and websites) (proceed to J5)】
(01) 親友、同學或鄰居、同事 (包括經由電話或社群媒體的聯繫) (跳答J5題)【Friends, family, peers, neighbors, and colleagues (including those kept in contact via phone calls and social media) (proceed to J5)】25012.20%58.00%58.00%
(02) 網路 (包括網路論壇、部落格、粉絲專頁等,但不含政府網站) (跳答J4_3題)【The Internet (including online forums, blogs, fan pages; excluding ofÏcial government websites) (proceed to J4-3)】1818.80%42.00%100.00%
(98) 系統界定的遺漏【System Missing Value】118957.90%
(99) 跳答【Skip】43221.10%
總和 𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐋2052100.00%
J4_1 請問您主要從哪裡得到公民投票議題的相關訊息?(複選至多兩項,請排序 (04) 大眾媒體 (電視、廣播電臺、報紙、(紙本)雜誌) (續答J4_2題))【Which of the following was your main source of information related to the referendum? (04) Mass media (TV, radio newspapers, or hardcopy magazines) (proceed to J4-2)】
(01) 親友、同學或鄰居、同事 (包括經由電話或社群媒體的聯繫) (跳答J5題)【Friends, family, peers, neighbors, and colleagues (including those kept in contact via phone calls and social media) (proceed to J5)】53025.80%46.40%46.40%
(02) 網路 (包括網路論壇、部落格、粉絲專頁等,但不含政府網站) (跳答J4_3題)【The Internet (including online forums, blogs, fan pages; excluding ofÏcial government websites) (proceed to J4-3)】61229.80%53.60%100.00%
(98) 系統界定的遺漏【System Missing Value】47823.30%
(99) 跳答【Skip】43221.10%
總和 𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐋2052100.00%
J4_1 請問您主要從哪裡得到公民投票議題的相關訊息?(複選至多兩項,請排序 (05) 街頭宣傳活動(跳答J5題))【Which of the following was your main source of information related to the referendum?(05) Promotional activities on the street (proceed to J5)】
(01) 親友、同學或鄰居、同事 (包括經由電話或社群媒體的聯繫) (跳答J5題)【Friends, family, peers, neighbors, and colleagues (including those kept in contact via phone calls and social media) (proceed to J5)】150.70%19.50%19.50%
(02) 網路 (包括網路論壇、部落格、粉絲專頁等,但不含政府網站) (跳答J4_3題)【The Internet (including online forums, blogs, fan pages; excluding ofÏcial government websites) (proceed to J4-3)】623.00%80.50%100.00%
(98) 系統界定的遺漏【System Missing Value】154375.20%
(99) 跳答【Skip】43221.10%
總和 𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐋2052100.00%
J4_1 請問您主要從哪裡得到公民投票議題的相關訊息?(複選至多兩項,請排序 (06) 其他,請說明(跳答J5題))【Which of the following was your main source of information related to the referendum? (06) Others, Please specify】
(01) 親友、同學或鄰居、同事 (包括經由電話或社群媒體的聯繫) (跳答J5題)【Friends, family, peers, neighbors, and colleagues (including those kept in contact via phone calls and social media) (proceed to J5)】40.20%100.00%100.00%
(98) 系統界定的遺漏【System Missing Value】161678.80%
(99) 跳答【Skip】43221.10%
總和 𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐋2052100.00%
J4_2 請問您最主要是從大眾媒體的哪個管道,得到公民投票議題的相關訊息?(跳答J5題) 【Which of the following mass media platforms did you mainly obtain information about the referendum from (choose one; proceed to J5)?】
(01) 新聞節目【News programs】78438.20%68.70%68.70%
(02) 政論或談話性節目【Political talk shows】1969.60%17.20%85.90%
(03) 宣傳或廣告【Advertisements and commercials】1517.40%13.20%99.10%
(04) 其他,請說明:【Others, Please specify】100.50%0.90%100.00%
(97) 不知道【I don’t know】10.00%
(99) 跳答【Skip】91044.30%
總和 𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐋2052100.00%
J4_3 請問您最主要是從網路的哪個管道,得到公民投票議題的相關訊息?【Which of the following online platforms did you mainly obtain information about the referendum from ?】
(01) 網路新聞媒體 (網路電子報)【Online news media outlets (e.g. digital newspapers)】36017.50%41.20%41.20%
(02) 網路論壇 (PTT, BBS, Mobile 01等)【Online forums (e.g. PTT, BBS, Mobile 01)】1225.90%14.00%55.10%
(03) 個人或團體的(影音)網站或部落格【Audio and video websites and/or blogs belonging to individuals or groups】753.70%8.60%63.70%
(04) 社群媒體(臉書粉絲團等)【Social media (Facebook fan pages, etc.)】31715.436.3100
(99) 跳答【Skip】117857.40%
總和 𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐋2,052100.00%
J5 請問下列何者對您作成公投決定最有影響?【Which of the following has the biggest impact on your referendum decision ?】
(01) 政府機關的宣導【Publicity by government agencies】1909.30%10.50%10.50%
(02) 大眾媒體上的報導或評論【Reports and comments in the mass media】36117.60%19.90%30.40%
(03) 親朋好友或鄰居、同學等提供的消息或意見【Information from, or opinions of friends, family, neighbors, and peers】25212.30%13.90%44.30%
(04) 在網路上流傳的資訊或意見【Online information and opinions】1396.80%7.70%51.90%
(05) 街頭宣傳活動【Promotional activities on the street】180.90%1.00%52.90%
(06) 自己的意見【My own views】85441.60%47.10%100.00%
(97) 不知道【I don’t know】50.20%
(98) 拒答【Prefer not to answer】40.20%
(99) 跳答【Skip】22911.20%
總和 𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐋2052100.00%
J6 請問您是否曾經與他人討論公民投票議題?【Did you ever discuss with others the issue being voted on in the referendum?】
(01) 是(曾與他人討論)【YES】127161.90%69.70%69.70%
(02) 否(不曾與他人討論) (跳答J6_3題) 【NO (proceed to J6-3)】55226.90%30.30%100.00%
(99) 跳答【Skip】22911.20%
總和 𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐋2052100.00%
J6_1 那麼,請問您曾經與下列哪些人討論公民投票議題? (可複選)【Which of the following parties did you discuss the issue being voted on in the referendum with (multiple selections allowed)?】
(01) 家人或朋友【Family and friends】116554.80%
(02) 社團同好【Peers from clubs and societies】1607.50%
(03) 同學或同事【Classmates or colleagues】73034.30%
(04) (不認識的)網友【Other netizens (who you I don’t know in real life)】643.00%
(05) 其他,請說明:【Others, Please specify】70.30%
總和 𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐋2126100.00%
J6_2 討論之後,請問下列哪些人的意見對您來說最重要?(跳答K1題)【Whose opinion had meant the most to you (select one; proceed to K1)?】
(01) 家人或朋友【Family and friends】48523.60%38.20%38.20%
(02) 社團同好【Peers from clubs and societies】190.90%1.50%39.70%
(03) 同學或同事【Classmates or colleagues】502.40%3.90%43.60%
(04) (不認識的)網友【Other netizens (who you don’t know in real life)】40.20%0.30%43.90%
(05) 自己的意見【My own opinion】70634.40%55.60%99.50%
(06) 其他,請說明:【Others, Please specify】60.30%0.50%100.00%
(97) 不知道【I don’t know】10.00%
(99) 跳答【Skip】78138.10%
總和 𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐋2052100.00%
J6_3 請問您不曾與他人討論的最主要原因是?【Which of the following describes the main reason you chose not to discuss the issue being voted on with others?】
(01) 不清楚議題內容【I wasn’t sure what the issue was about】532.60%9.60%9.60%
(02) 對議題已經有自己的看法【I already have a stance regarding the issue】1869.10%33.70%43.30%
(03) 過於忙碌,沒有時間【 I was busy and didn’t have the time to do so】964.70%17.40%60.70%
(04) 議題過於敏感,避免與人討論【I avoided discussing the issue with others as it was a sensitive topic】1025.00%18.50%79.20%
(05) 對我的生活沒有實際(切身)的影響【The issue had no direct implications on my life】1055.10%19.00%98.20%
(06) 其他,請說明:【Others, Please specify】100.50%1.80%100.00%
(99) 跳答【Skip】150073.10%
總和 𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐋2052100.00%