Law and Social Change Survey Database

2019 調查第5期 (2)【家庭題組 𝐐𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐨𝐧 𝐅𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐲】

K1 年紀大了沒有辦法照顧自己的時候,請問您希望由誰來照顧您的日常生活或生活起居?【Which of the following parties would you prefer when you are unable care for yourself in your golden years and need someone else to look after you in daily living ?】
(01) 配偶或同居人【Spouse or cohabitating partner】65932.10%32.70%32.70%
(02) (孫)子女【(Grand)children】53426.00%26.50%59.10%
(03) (孫)媳婦或女婿【(Grand)children-in-law】100.50%0.50%59.60%
(04) 兄弟姊妹【Siblings】291.40%1.40%61.10%
(05) 其他親人【Other relatives】190.90%0.90%62.00%
(06) 看護(包括私人看護及安養機構人員)【Nurses (including private nurses and nursing home staff)】66032.20%32.70%94.70%
(07) 信任的朋友【Trusted friends】412.00%2.00%96.70%
(08) 其他:【Others, Please specify】663.20%3.30%100.00%
(97) 不知道【I don’t know】241.20%
(98) 拒答【Prefer not to answer】100.50%
總和 𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐋2052100.00%
K2 請問這個時候您最希望住在哪裡?【Where would you prefer to live at this stage of your life?】
(01) 自己的家【Own home】148272.20%72.50%72.50%
(02) 照顧者的家【Caregiver’s home】371.80%1.80%74.40%
(03) 私立或公立的長照安養機構【Public or private long-term care facility】22310.90%10.90%85.30%
(04) 政府設置的老人公寓【Nursing homes set up by the government】1818.80%8.90%94.10%
(05) 私立的養生村【Private retirement communities】1205.80%5.90%100.00%
(97) 不知道【I don’t know】70.30%
(98) 拒答【Prefer not to answer】20.10%
總和 𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐋2052100.00%
K2_1 請問現在是誰實際上在照顧您的日常生活或生活起居?(若受訪者為65歲以上之人,續答K2_1題,若不是則跳答K3題)【Which of the following parties is responsible for looking after your daily living?《Respondents aged 66 and above may proceed to K2-1; respondents aged 65 and below may proceed to K3》】
(01) 自己【Myself】24912.10%62.40%62.40%
(02) 配偶或同居人【Spouse or cohabitating partner】834.00%20.80%83.20%
(03) (孫)子女【(Grand)children】472.30%11.80%95.00%
(04) (孫)媳婦或女婿【(Grand)children-in-law】50.20%1.30%96.20%
(06) 其他親人【Other relatives】10.00%0.30%96.50%
(07) 看護(包括私人看護及安養機構人員)【Nurses (including private nurses and nursing home staff)】110.50%2.80%99.20%
(08) 信任的朋友【A trusted friend】10.00%0.30%99.50%
(09) 其他:【Others, Please specify】20.10%0.50%100.00%
(97) 不知道【I don’t know】10.00%
(99) 跳答【Skip】165280.50%
總和 𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐋2052100.00%
K3 請問您有沒有負責照顧老人一般生活起居的經驗?(可複選)【Have you ever looked after the daily living of an elder (multiple selections allowed)?】
(01) 有,配偶或同居人【YES, my spouse or cohabitating partner】522.30%
(02) 有,(祖)父母【YES, my (grand)parents】82636.90%
(03) 有,公婆或岳父母【YES, my parents-in-law】30513.60%
(04) 有,兄弟姊妹【YES, my siblings】80.40%
(05) 有,其他親人【YES, other relatives】331.50%
(06) 有,朋友或鄰居【YES, my friends or neighbors】130.60%
(07) 有,其他:【YES, someone not in the categories above】401.80%
(08) 都沒有【NO】96142.90%
總和 𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐋2238100.00%
K4 關於老年之後的照顧,您覺得由誰來決定對您最好?【Which of the following parties should make decisions about caring for you in your old age in order to maximize your interests?】 調查出處:2019 臺灣法律與社會變遷調查第5期 (2
(01) 自己決定【Myself】94946.20%46.60%46.60%
(02) 與照顧的人一起決定【My caregiver and I】84040.90%41.30%87.90%
(03) 由照顧的人決定【My caregiver】24612.00%12.10%100.00%
(97) 不知道【I don’t know】130.60%
(98) 拒答【Prefer not to answer】40.20%
總和 𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐋2052100.00%
K5 如果年老生病的時候,請問您願不願意讓其他人幫您做醫療的重要決定?【Would you agree to having someone else make major medical decisions for you if you fall sick in your old age?】
(01) 不願意 (跳答K6題)【NO (proceed to K6)】82440.20%40.40%40.40%
(02) 願意【YES】88543.10%43.40%83.80%
(03) 看情形,不一定【Not sure, as it depends】33016.10%16.20%100.00%
(97) 不知道 (跳答K6題)【I don’t know (proceed to K6)】120.60%
(98) 拒答 (跳答K6題)【Prefer not to answer (proceed to K6)】10.00%
總和 𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐋2052100.00%
K5_1 那麼,這時候您希望是由誰來做這個決定?【Which of the following parties would you prefer to make major medical decisions on your behalf if you fall sick in your old age? 】
(01) 醫生【A doctor】1688.20%14.00%14.00%
(02) 家人【Family members】56627.60%47.20%61.20%
(03) 我事前指定的特定人【A designated proxy】1698.20%14.10%75.30%
(04) 實際照顧我的人【A caregiver】29714.50%24.80%100.00%
(97) 不知道【I don’t know】110.50%
(98) 拒答【Prefer not to answer】40.20%
總和 𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐋2052100.00%
K6 這裡有個假設的情況,如果您本來有作過一個重大的醫療決定,您可以接受後來其他人替您做不同的決定嗎?【Imagine that you have made a major medical decision. How acceptable is it for someone else to overturn that decision on your behalf in the future?】
(01) 完全可以接受【Completely acceptable】1326.40%6.60%6.60%
(02) 還可以接受【Acceptable】51725.20%25.80%32.40%
(03) 勉強接受【Unacceptable】31515.40%15.70%48.10%
(04) 不能接受【Unacceptable】67833.00%33.80%81.90%
(05) 完全不能接受【Completely unacceptable】36217.60%18.10%100.00%
(95) 無意見【No preference】371.80%
(98) 拒答【Prefer not to answer】110.50%
總和 𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐋2052100.00%
K7 在對於老年病患的醫療處置有不同意見、發生爭議時,請問您認為最終應該由誰來決定?【Which of the following parties do you think should make the final decision when disputes or a clash of views arise regarding the medical care of an elderly patient?】
(01) 醫師【Doctors】23311.40%11.50%11.50%
(02) 本人【The elderly patient by him/herself】62630.50%30.80%42.30%
(03) 實際照顧的人【Caregivers】1577.70%7.70%50.00%
(04) 家人或信任的人【Family members or trusted individuals】36517.80%18.00%68.00%
(05) 醫師、本人與其他相關的人共同決定【Doctors, the elderly patient, and other relevant personnel should make the final2019 R5(2) Page 32 decision together】63430.90%31.20%99.30%
(06) 法院【The court】150.70%0.70%100.00%
(97) 不知道【I don’t know】190.90%
(98) 拒答【Prefer not to answer】30.10%
總和 𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐋2052100.00%
K8 「以下幾個問題,都是假設萬一發生意識不清或失智的情況。也請依照您的看法放心回答」。 【To what extent are you willing to let someone else (including family members) manage your assets if you fall into a state of unconsciousness or suffer from dementia?】請問您是否同意,萬一發生意識不清或失智的時候,由他人(包括家人)管理您的財產?
(01) 非常同意【Highly willing】55527.00%27.50%27.50%
(02) 同意【Willing】131564.10%65.20%92.70%
(03) 不同意 (跳答L1題)【Unwilling (proceed to L1)】1045.10%5.20%97.80%
(04) 很不同意 (跳答L1題)【Highly unwilling (proceed to L1)】442.10%2.20%100.00%
(97) 不知道 (跳答L1題)【I don’t know (proceed to L1)】211.00%
(98) 拒答 (跳答L1題) (【Prefer not to answer (proceed to L1)】130.60%
總和 𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐋2052100.00%
K8_1 在這種情況下,請問您認為應該用什麼方式來決定由誰管理?【Under these circumstances, how do you think the person who will manage your assets should be selected? 】
(01) 由我預先決定【The person should be selected by me beforehand】149472.80%80.90%80.90%
(02) 依照法律規定【Selection should be carried out according to the law】29514.40%16.00%96.90%
(03) 由法院決定【The person should be selected by the court】261.30%1.40%98.30%
(04) 由政府的社福單位(例如社會局)決定【The person should be selected by a government social welfare agency (e.g. the Department of Social Welfare)】321.60%1.70%100.00%
(97) 不知道【I don’t know】180.90%
(98) 拒答【Prefer not to answer】50.20%
(99) 跳答【Skip】1828.90%
總和 𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐋2052100.00%
K8_2 請問您最希望是由誰來擔任您的財產管理者?【Which of the following parties would you most prefer to manage your assets?】
(01) 配偶或同居人【Spouse or cohabitating partner】93145.40%50.30%50.30%
(02) (孫)子女【(Grand)children】58728.60%31.70%82.00%
(03) (孫)媳婦或女婿【(Grand)children-in-law】20.10%0.10%82.10%
(04) 兄弟姊妹【Siblings】1185.80%6.40%88.40%
(05) 其他親人【Other relatives】241.20%1.30%89.70%
(06) 律師、會計師等專業人士【Lawyers, accountants, and other professionals】894.30%4.80%94.50%
(07) 銀行或指定機構【Banks or other designated organizations】663.20%3.60%98.10%
(08) 信任的朋友【A trusted friend】150.70%0.80%98.90%
(09) 其他,請說明:【Others, Please specify】201.00%1.10%100.00%
(97) 不知道【I don’t know】110.50%
(98) 拒答【Prefer not to answer】70.30%
(99) 跳答【Skip】1828.90%
總和 𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐋2052100.00%
K8_3 請問您同不同意由同一個人來幫您做醫療決定和管理財產?【To what extent are you willing to let the same person make major medical decisions on your behalf and also manage your assets?】
(01) 非常同意【Highly willing】35917.50%19.50%19.50%
(02) 同意【Willing】106651.90%57.80%77.30%
(03) 不同意【Unwilling】35517.30%19.30%96.50%
(04) 非常不同意【Highly unwilling】643.10%3.50%100.00%
(97) 不知道【I don’t know】211.00%
(98) 拒答【Prefer not to answer】50.20%
(99) 跳答【Skip】1828.90%
總和 𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐋2052100.00%

