Law and Social Change Survey Database

2010 調查第2期【民眾法律核心價值與態度 𝐂𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐳𝐞𝐧𝐬’ 𝐂𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐕𝐚𝐥𝐮𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐀𝐭𝐭𝐢𝐭𝐮𝐝𝐞𝐬 𝐑𝐞𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐋𝐚𝐰】

D1. 請問您認為法律應不應該要禁止基層公務員,利用下班時間公開幫人助選?【To what extent do you agree that the law should prohibit grassroots civil servants from publicly supporting a candidate in an election campaign during their off-duty hours?】
01 很應該【Strongly agree】47831.00%32.00%32.00%
02 應該【Agree】32621.10%21.80%53.80%
03 不應該【Disagre】49932.40%33.40%87.20%
04 很不應該【Strongly disagree】19112.40%12.80%100%
97 不知道【I don’t know】452.90%
98 拒答【Prefer not to answer】30%
總和 𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐋1542100.00%
D2. 請問您認為法律應不應該要禁止公立學校的校長或主任,以個人身分公開幫人助選?【To what extent do you agree that the law should prohibit the principal or director of a public school from supporting a candidate in an election campaign in their personal capacity?】
01 很應該【Strongly agree】59338.50%39.60%39.60%
02 應該【Agree】40626.30%27.10%66.70%
03 不應該【Disagree】33621.80%22.40%89.10%
04 很不應該【Strongly disagree】16310.60%10.90%100%
97 不知道【I don’t know】412.70%
98 拒答【Prefer not to answer】30%
總和 𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐋1542100.00%
D3. 如果人民想要上街頭抗議,請問您認為下列哪一項的法律規定比較合理?【If people want to take to the streets to protest, which of the following regulations sounds more reasonable to you?】
01 政府同意才可以舉辦【They have to get the permission of the government】72747.10%48.20%48.20%
02 事先有通知政府就可以【They only need to notify the government in advance】70645.80%46.80%95.00%
03 民眾自己決定要不要通知政府【The people can decide whether to notify the government or not】704.50%4.60%99.60%
04 不瞭解題意【I don’t understand the question】60.40%0.40%100%
97.不知道【I don’t know】301.90%
98.拒答【Prefer not to answer】30%
總和 𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐋1542100.00%
D4. 公民投票是人民的基本人權,請問您贊不贊成?【To what extent do you agree that voting in a referendum is a basic human right for citizens?】
01 很贊成【Strongly agree】104767.90%69.20%69.20%
02 還算贊成【Agree】40025.90%26.50%95.70%
03 不太贊成【Disagree】442.90%2.90%98.60%
04 很不贊成【Strongly disagree】211.40%1.40%100%
97 不知道【I don’t know】291.90%
98 拒答【Prefer not to answer】10%
總和 𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐋1542100.00%
D5. 地方的民生和建設,以地方性公民投票來決定,請問您贊不贊成? 【Do you agree holding local referendum to decided on issues about local constructions?】
01 很贊成【Strongly Agree】70845.90%46.80%46.80%
02 還算贊成【Agree】49832.30%32.90%79.70%
03 不太贊成【Disagree】21213.70%14.00%93.70%
04 很不贊成【Strongly disagree】956.20%6.30%100%
97 不知道【I don’t know】271.80%
98 拒答【Prefer not to answer】20%
總和 𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐋1542100.00%
D6. 如果您知道這是盜版或仿冒的商品,請問您會不會購買?【If you knew a product was pirated or counterfeit, would you buy it?】
01 大概會 (跳答D8題)【Probably (proceed to D8)】26617.30%17.40%17.40%
02 大概不會【Probably not】41927.20%27.40%44.70%
03 一定不會【Definitely not】84654.90%55.30%100.00%
97 不知道【I don’t know】110.70%
總和 𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐋1542100.00%
D7. 請問如果您不想要購買盜版或仿冒的商品,最主要的理由是下列哪一個?【If you do not want to buy a pirated or counterfeit product, which of the following is the main reason why?】
01 那是違法的【It’s illegal】42027.20%33.20%33.20%
02 品質不良【It has low quality】42027.20%33.20%66.40%
03 被發現用假貨會很丟臉【It’d be embarrassing if someone finds out it’s fake】231.50%1.80%68.20%
04 那是不道德的【It’s immoral】38525.00%30.40%99%
05 其它【Others, please specify】171.10%1.30%100.00%
97 不知道【I don’t know】111%
99 跳答【Skip】26617.30%
總和 𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐋1542100%
D8. 請問您認為成年子女應不應該奉養年老的父母?【To what extent do you agree that adult children should financially support their elderly parents】
01 很應該【Strongly agree】102566.50%67.40%67.40%
02 應該【Agree】46230.00%30.40%97.80%
03 不應該 (跳答D10)【Disagree (proceed to D10)】281.80%1.80%99.70%
04 很不應該 (跳答D10)【Strongly disagree (proceed to D10)】50.30%0.30%100%
97 不知道【I don’t know】221.40%
總和 𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐋1542100%
D9. 如果父母虐待、遺棄子女,請問您認為子女可以?【If a parent has abused or abandoned his/her child, which of the following situations makes most sense to you?】
01 可以不用負奉養責任【The child does not need to support the parent】55135.70%37.90%37.90%
02 只能減少奉養責任【The child’s responsibility to support the parent is lessened】54235.10%37.30%75.20%
03 子女仍然要負全部奉養責任【The child still has to support the parent】36123.40%24.80%100.00%
97 不知道【I don’t know】463.00%
98 拒答【Prefer not to answer】90.60%
99 跳答【Skip】332%
總和 𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐋1542100.00%
D10. 如果子女沒有奉養父母,請問您認為政府應不應該管?【To what extent do you agree that the government should intervene if someone doesn’t financially support his/her elderly parents?】
01 很應該【Strongly agree】63741.30%42.40%42.40%
02 應該【Agree】68044.10%45.20%87.60%
03 不應該(跳答D12)【Disagree (proceed to D12)】15710.20%10.40%98.00%
04 很不應該(跳答D12)【Strongly disagree (proceed to D12)】301.90%2.00%100%
97 不知道【I don’t know】312.00%
98 拒答【Prefer not to answer】71%
總和 𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐋1542100.00%
D11. 如果子女沒有奉養父母,您認為政府應該如何做? 【If someone doesn’t financially support his/her elderly parents, what do you think the government should do?】
01 以法律規定子女應該奉養父母【Stipulate by law that children should support their parents】103839.90%39.90%39.90%
02 以刑法處罰不奉養父母的子女【 Penalize those who don’t support their parents under criminal law】62824.10%24.10%64.00%
03 由政府來照顧年老父母【Tap into governmental resources to take care of these elders】90634.80%34.80%98.80%
97 不知道【I don’t know】281.10%1.10%100%
98 拒答【Prefer not to answer】40.20%0.20%100.00%
總和 𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐋2604100%100.00%
D12. 嫁出去的女兒在分遺產的時候,應該和兒子分得一樣多,請問您贊不贊成?【To what extent do you agree that when inheritance is being distributed, a married daughter should get as much as the son?】
01 很贊成 (跳答D14)【Strongly agree (proceed to D14)】63641.20%42.10%42.10%
02 還算贊成(跳答D14)【Agree (proceed to D14)】45929.80%30.40%72.50%
03 不太贊成【Disagree】27317.70%18.10%90.50%
04 很不贊成【Strongly disagree】1439.30%9.50%100%
97 不知道 (跳答D14)【I don’t know (proceed to D14】271.80%
98 拒答 (跳答D14) 【Prefer not to answer (proceed to D14)】40%
總和 𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐋1542100.00%
D13. 請問您不贊成嫁出去的女兒和兒子分得一樣多的遺產,最主要的原因是下列哪一個?【Which is the main reason that a married daughter should not get as much inheritance as a son?】
01 兒子必須照顧父母【The son is supposed to take care of the parents】17911.60%43.40%43.40%
02 兒子要負責家裡的經濟【The son is responsible for the family’s economy】754.90%18.20%61.70%
03 兒子要傳宗接代、祭祀祖先【The son needs to carry on the family line and worship his ancestors】624.00%15.00%76.70%
04 傳統上本來就是兒子分得比較多【The son conventionally gets more inheritance】493.20%11.90%89%
05 女兒已經拿到嫁妝【The daughter has already received her dowry】231.50%5.60%94.20%
06 其它,請說明《請鍵入並記錄在開放紀錄表中》【Others, please specify】242%5.80%100.00%
97 不知道【I don’t know】40.30%
99 跳答【Skip】112673%
總和 𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐋1542100%
D14. 如果配偶與別人發生外遇並有性行為,請問您認為法律上應該如何規定?【If your spouse has an affair with someone else and has sex with him/her, what penalties do you think should be stipulated in the law?】
01 家務事,法律不必規定【This is a domestic affair, thus not to be stipulated in the law】20713.40%14.10%14.10%
02 請求金錢賠償【Monetary compensation】15710.20%10.70%24.90%
03 金錢賠償並加上刑法處罰【Monetary compensation plus criminal penalties】109971.30%75.10%100.00%
97 不知道【I don’t know】744.80%
98 拒答【Prefer not to answer】50.30%
總和 𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐋1542100%
D15. 有人說:「同性戀的人不正常。」,這個說法請問您贊不贊成?【To what extent do you agree with the statement: “Homosexual people are not normal”?】
01 很贊成【Strongly agree】25616.60%17.10%17.10%
02 還算贊成【Agree】20913.60%14.00%31.10%
03 不太贊成【Disagree】56536.60%37.70%68.80%
04 很不贊成【Strongly disagree】46730.30%31.20%100%
97 不知道【I don’t know】452.90%
總和 𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐋1542100%
D16. 請問您認為同性戀的人應不應該有互相結婚的權利?【In To what extent do you agree that same-sex couples should be allowed to get married?】
01 很應該【Strongly agree】25516.50%17.40%17.40%
02 應該【Agree】67143.50%45.90%63.30%
03 不應該【Disagree】24015.60%16.40%79.70%
04 很不應該【Strongly disagree】29719.30%20.30%100%
97 不知道【I don’t know】734.70%
98 拒答【Prefer not to answer】60%
總和 𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐋1542100.00%
D17. 請問您認為同性戀的人應不應該有收養子女的權利?【To what extent do you agree that same-sex couples should be allowed to adopt children?】
01 很應該【Strongly Agree】28418.40%19.30%19.30%
02 應該【Agree】70946.00%48.20%67.60%
03 不應該【Disagree】19212.50%13.10%80.60%
04 很不應該【Strongly disagree】28518.50%19.40%100%
97 不知道【I don’t know】624.00%
98 拒答【Prefer not to answer】101%
A 有效值合計147095.30%100.00%
總和 𝐓𝐎𝐓𝐀𝐋1542100%

